Scientists find extremely young exoplanet orbiting a star with a wonky disk

IRAS 04125+2902 b, interesting report and TESS observations. I did not see this listed in the 570 TESS confirmed yet.

However, some basic descriptive stats for these 570 exoplanets can be done quickly.

Average period is 14.65 days, min 0.238 days, max 482.82 days. Average radius 5.94 earth radii. Most of the 570 are packed in close orbits, a min =0.00622 AU, a max = 1.152 AU. They are all fairly large exoplanets like IRAS 04125+2902 b is reported in this article, "The planet itself was observed to have an orbital period of 8.83 Earth days, a radius 10.7 times larger than Earth, and has a mass 30% that of Jupiter."

Still waiting to see which exoplanet has life on it and ET phoning home :)

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