I think it's more accurate to say they'd love to move from Shuttle to something else. Very few people (except perhaps the unmanned space fanatics) would want to ditch Shuttle if it meant ditching manned spaceflight altogether. For a long time, there was a very real chance that's where it would go if it were cancelled. So that's why you see a gut reaction when people propose cancelling it as a "waste of money". Waste of money is a subjective measure, and many of the budget people would just as soon see no spaceflight at all, feeling that there are more worthy causes (health care, education, transportation, defense, etc, etc, etc). The people reacting on a gut level agree with you that the Shuttle and ISS are not what they could've been. But when we see somebody saying "axe the ISS, it's a waste of money", we get afraid because we think you're one of those types who think all spaceflight is a waste of money, especially if you don't suggest an alternative. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#666699"><em>"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly . . . timey wimey . . . stuff."</em> -- The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>