Ok, checked out your HobbySpace. Here's what I found....<br /><br />Beyond-Earth Enterprises- providing small payload launch capabilities, no manned ambition<br /><br />Bigelow Aerospace- Building Space Stations, sponsoring "America's Space Prize" aka Not building their own capsule or launch vehicle.<br /><br />Blue Origin- Slow and steady is the way to achieve results, and we do not kid ourselves into thinking this will get easier as we go along. Our first objective is developing New Shepard, a vertical take-off, vertical-landing vehicle designed to take a small number of astronauts on a SUB-orbital journey into space.<br /><br />Masten Space Systems- Working toward the goal of Orbital and manned capability, but are a long way off. The roadmap illustrates technical development paths and not an exact timeline since planning beyond 2009.<br /><br />RocketPlane Kistler- Site says they are still developing the K-1. But recent news has put a black shadow in the company. K-1 might just be a pie in the sky.<br /><br />RocketRacing- No spaceflight actually planned to occur. Just racing rocket powered aircraft.<br /><br />Scaled Composites- Good ole Burt. So far the best money is on him and his team. But as stated before, they are in the SUB orbital game so far with no real chance of going orbital for 10-15 years.<br /><br />SpaceDev- The guys that brought us the hybrid Rocket motor. Great company and their engines could one day be very benificial. But no plans for their own orbital Manned Spacecraft.<br /><br />Space-X - The only true hope for a manned launch vehicle, Who else is even close?<br /><br />Tethers Unlimited, Inc. - These guys are looking for in space propulsion. No manned Spacecraft envisioned.<br /><br />TGV-Rockets - TGV Rockets is a preeminent R&D firm specializing in all facets of aerospace engineering and design, including systems analysis, systems integration, high performance computing, and critical market analysis. <br /><br /><br />So, back to my original point. NASA shu <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#ff0000"><u><em>Don't let your sig line incite a gay thread ;>)</em></u></font> </div>