Should Britain fund astronauts?<font color="yellow"><br />By Helen Briggs <br />BBC News science reporter <br /><br /><b>British astronomers are seeking your views on the merits of sending humans to visit the Moon or Mars.</b><br /><br />The Royal Astronomical Society has set up a commission to investigate whether the UK should break with tradition by funding human spaceflight. The panel of three independent experts wants to hear the opinions of BBC News website readers. <br /><br />Britain must decide in December its commitment to European proposals for future space missions. More. <font color="white"><br /><br />So what do people here think, should we fund astronauts or is our limited money better spent on other projects. Personally I would like to see funding for manned flights but it should come from a separate budget over and above what is currently spent. No science programs should be cut to fund manned flights. If we can’t afford that or are unwilling to spend more then there shouldn’t be UK manned flights, which I would find a great shame.<br /><br />You can also comment on the BBC article here<br /></font></font>