Shuttle SRB derived CEV launch vehicle

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<b> Is this a reasonable estimate?</b><br /><br />This hypothesis assumes that the vehicle uses a 5-segment SRB with slightly reduced thrust and longer burn time. It assumes that an inherently safe, expander cycle, P&W RLX upper stage engine will be used. Performance will be a little worse along with theoretical reliability if an older engine such as the J2 is used, but should still be in the ballpark.<br /><br /><b>ATK Thiokol CEV launch vehicle</b><br /><br />Launch mass (including CEV): 864,500 kg<br />Thrust at liftoff: 1,000,000 kg<br />Payload: 22,000 kg CEV to 500km orbit<br /><br /><b>1st stage</b><br /> <br />Type: Shuttle derived 5 segment SRB<br />Mass: 735,000 kg<br />Empty mass: 106,000 kg<br />Propellant fraction: 85.6%<br />Engine: 1 x solid rocket booster<br />Propellant: Ammonium perchlorate / powdered metal <br />Thrust: 1,000,000 kg<br />IpSec: 237 sec (sea level), 269 sec (vacuum)<br />Burn time: 182 sec<br /><br /><b>2nd stage</b><br />Type: 5m CEV adapter upper stage<br />Mass: 105,000 kg<br />Empty mass: 11,550 kg<br />Propellant fraction: 89.0 %<br />Engine: 1 x Pratt & Whitney RLX split expander cycle hydrogen engine<br />Propellant: LH2/LOX<br />Thrust: 136,000 kg<br />IpSec: 450 sec (vacuum)<br />Burn time: 306 sec<br /><br /><b>CEV</b><br /><br />Type: 4 to 12 passenger CEV<br />Mass: 22 tons (w/maximum payload)<br />Engine: 1 x OME (AJ10-190)<br />Propellant: N2O4/MMH<br />Thrust: 2,700 kg<br />Burn time: 1,500 sec (max)<br />
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