1/4 the intensity of average sunlight would require 32 square kilometers of rectenna for a one billion watt = one gigawatt beam. 1/4 of the solar constant = 1370 watts per square meter = 342 watts per square meter = about 3 square kilometers which would be available near some cities. ie Jacksonville, Florida has a swamp that large, 7 miles from the city center.<br /> If the microwave wavelength is two centimeters = 15 gigahertz, the dipoles are one centimeter long, so at least 7,000,000,000 dipoles are needed to cover 3 square kilometers, letting only 20% pass though the array and wasted. Admittedly a somewhat longer wave length is a likely choice. At one cent each the dipoles cost 70 million dollars. I presume diodes are used to convert the RF to dc at 80% efficiency, so we are down to 0.64 gigawatts and we still need 100,000 plus inverters to produce 60 hertz, 3phase, for the power grid. Do you think we can avoid 3 step up transformers by connecting a hundred plus inverter outputs in series? I think the 80% efficiency is extremely optimistic.<br /> A million free flying balloons would sometimes be several beaming to a solar site, and occasionally none, so this would not be the baseline power electric companies love. Neil