Space Activism in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex

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Greetings community!

As a long time visitor (~10 years)/infrequent commenter I've noticed from comments that there are a number of users here at the Message Boards from the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

On behalf of the National Space Society of North Texas, I'd like to invite local metroplex readers to join in our activities for the upcoming year to help convey the importance of space activities to our community.

What did we do last year? Here's a short list:

-Collected space books for the Frontiers of Flight (FoF) museum childrens area
-Had a display with handouts at the Dr. Neil DeGrasse-Tyson talk at UT Arlington (UTA)
-Had a sci-fact display at the ConDFW science fiction convention
-Helped a local Middle School with their ISS module mock-up and space week events
-Counseled Girl Scouts on the requirements for several space-related badges
-Had a chapter field trip to see the movie "Moon"
-Organised and co-headlined the Moon Day event at FoF
-Gave talks on the Moon & Cislunar Space to local Mensa and Rotary chapters
-Had an informational display at the Armadillo Aerospace NGLLC attempt
-Hosted a Sci-Fi Movie Suite at the FenCon science fiction convention
-Had a display at the Andrew Chaikin talk at FoF
-Had a display at the UTA/Texas Astronomical Society's Astronomy Day event at UTA
-Had a display at the Buzz Aldrin fundraiser for the Richland College Planetarium
-Our Santa Space Toy Drive collected over 70 space toys for the Santa's Helpers program
-We raised $200 for a scholarship to be given to the best space-related project at the next Dallas Regional Science & Engineering Fair in February 2010

NSS of North Texas works closely with other space groups in the area like the Texas Astronomical Society, Dallas Area Rocket Society, the Dallas Mars Society, Solar System Ambassadors and others, to better convey the myriad aspects of
space exploration and why it is important.

We've got new projects planned for this year, and we're always looking for new members with new ideas and new energy. You can find more information at our Facebook page: ... 3389455647

or at our Yahoo! Groups page where we have our calendar and links page:

We meet the second Sunday of each month at the Spring Creek BBQ across 183 from Irving Mall at Beltline at 3:30pm. If you want to learn more about space and be part of the fun feel free to join us.

Ken Murphy
President 09/10
NSS of North Texas ... 60427.html
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