On December 6, 1925, a test firing of Goddard's revolutionary liquid-fueled rocket was a success. During the 24-second burn, the tiny vehicle generated positive net thrust for the first time, lifting itself slightly. It was still a long way from a flight, but it was a major milestone in Goddard's test program.<br /><br />Thirty-two years later, in 1957, the United States made its first satellite launch attempt. A test satellite was placed on the top of a three-stage Vanguard rocket (the first to have three live stages). Unfortunately, it was lost to a launch vehicle failure. The Vanguard never even cleared the tower, consumed in an explosion at T+2 seconds. Although such failures go with the territory in so early a program, the press had a field day with it, labeling the spacecraft "kaputnik" and "flopnik" in reference to the Soviet success with Sputnik. So for anyone distressed that the press overreacts to failures, you can rest assured that this is nothing new. A less ambitious launch would later place the tiny Explorer satellite into orbit as the first American spacecraft before the Vanguard satellite program reached success. But succeed it did; Vanguard 1 was ultimately placed into orbit the following March. It remains in orbit to this day, the oldest manmade object in space.<br /><br />On December 6, 1958, Pioneer 3 was launched on a mission to the Moon. It was a tiny spacecraft by modern standards, weighing in at 12.95 pounds. Nevertheless, its Juno II rocket was unable to get it all the way there; a premature MECO resulted in an apogee of only 70,000 miles. Pioneer 3 did successfully return data on the radiation environment around Earth and in particular discovered the fact that the Earth has at least two separate belts of radiation.<br /><br />On December 6, 1965, the FRANCE 1 spacecraft was launched from Vandenburg on a Scout X-4 rocket. Despite the American launch, however, it was a purely French spacecraft. It was a scientific spacecraft studying <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#666699"><em>"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly . . . timey wimey . . . stuff."</em> -- The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>