Space (infinite) (flat) : Time (finite) (globe (bubble))


Aug 14, 2020
I could not find again the reference to the article concerning the Planck probe in space that detects the universe as being enclosed globular (spherical) rather than flat... and the article says it has pros a little worried that the flat look may be wrong. I've been months describing it both ways dimensionally, including just yesterday in a post elsewhere dealing in "time" in one paragraph and so-called "nothingness" in the next.

Space is the infinite, time is the finite. Space is the 'hammered flat' because infinite: Time is the forced four-dimensionally enclosed because finite.

There is a horizon, a collapsed horizon.... and an infinity of finite local, relative, universes, of which ours is but one.


Aug 14, 2020
Some people might think you can't have the spatially infinite flatness and the time finite globe or bubble merged together in the same object. They would be wrong.

The flat surface of the globe can be infinite in that flatness (one way of saying infinite in depth) and at the same time so infinite in extent no traveler no matter how long lived, would ever circle that surface and come around it to their starting point. Dimensionless point infinitesimals could number to infinity in all lines of the surface circumference of a globe otherwise measured to be finite, each and every one of them also being a finite globe universe the same as the one globe universe being measured finite by a physicist anywhere inside it. Were the physicist to travel in any direction out from his starting point in the middle of the globe, he could not live enough, even if he lived forever, to reach the horizon of the surface of the globe he once measured to be finite. A constant horizon that would keep its constancy of distance from him no matter his speed or life span. He would always be centered between horizons of offsetting globes. An infinite Universe flat as a pancake (so to speak), hammered flat to the collapsed surface horizon englobing a globe, every offset globe, measuring finite from within.

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