Space news writers required.

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I thought the same. It seems arse about face.<br />I see its produced by that pesky Alexa spyware. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p> </p><p>----------------------------------------------------------------- </p><p>Wanna see this site looking like the old SDC uplink?</p><p>Go here to see how: <strong>SDC Eye saver </strong>  </p> </div>


Cool. Kinda works on the way the site has gotten bigger, but has a very strange dip at what appears to be the time Discovery was landing...which doesn't fit the server figures. I'll have to have a look at that system.


I can write articles: Lacking assignment I offer this to ponder.<br /><br />The difference of understanding, between those that work in the space program, and the general public that just reads or watches the headlines, can be summed up in this example perhaps. Everyone has a view that can be valued at a certain level of “Macro Scale”, in that, how close can they see what actually is taking place or is there at all. The farthest reach of that scale might be, believing that the world was flat, and the other end of the Macro Scale perhaps the quark and the goo that exist between the quarks to allow them an enviorment to function. It’s all in what you can grasp. Some people might have a maxium 3x Macro Limit and others a 20x limit or larger. Some of our great thinkers were probably Macro InfiniteX. I will give you an example of scale. <br /><br />Once I calculated exactly the number of jelly beans in a container. My best friend, a singer-guitar playing fellow and I, were walking in a mall, there sat 2 nurses in green scrubs, at a long fold-out table. They had displayed a variety of pamplets and things to fill out. My buddy could not resist the temptation of talking to them, so off we go to the nurses portable station. While he is engaged in banter I see a sign that said, “Guess the Number of JellyBeans, & Win a First-Aid kit!” In small letters it said 10 closest guesses will receive in the mail a first aid kit.. So while they are all smiling and laughing I begin to eye this container of jellybeans. They did make it easy I must say, because they had used a container that was a rectangle with a small round milk bottle top. I counted down one side and got the average number of beans in a column, and across the bottom to get the number of jellybeans that would fit in a row, and cubed the container in jellybeans. I could see where the top rectangle ended there appeared to be 5 jellybeans laying on top of the cube. I cubed the container at 150 jellybeans and ad


Thanks to all people on both forums that have applied for the writing positions. We're set to increase our pool in all relevant sections (about 12 writers) starting next week.<br /><br />Anyone that has an interest can mail me (as per first post) up to tomorrow. After that we'll close this requirement.


I'd be very interested in doing some writing for your website. I'll email you presently.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>
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