<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>I would agree, but how would you get private industry to include the thousands of unnecessary design complications required for government approval? Posted by JimLThe lack of these design complications is what would likely greatly aid private industry in pulling this off. I think even the government is ready for change because they can see funding NASA beyond bandaid funding and placebic budget increases is never going to be reality anytime soon.Anyone in government working with government financing (OMB) surely knows NASAs budget history. NASA went from 2 to 4% of GDP in the 1960s early 70s to 1 to .6% GDP since the 1970s. If private industry cannot get economic access to space to become reality, then human spaceflight is probably over for the United States in the foreseeable future. <br />Posted by qso1</DIV></p><p>Design complications are really not the issue. Rocket designs are actually about as simple as it is possible to make them. The cost of the hardware involved in a launch is actually a relatively small part of the cost of the launch itself. What tends to drive the cost is the cost of preparation of the vehicle, particularly payload work and integration of the payload with the propulsion system. Even with respect to the hardware itself, a good deal of the cost is associated with inspection, quality control, ongoing engineering work and documentation.</p><p>Let's take a solid rocket motor as an example. The design of a solid involves relatively few parts, and in that regard is "simple". There is a good deal more sophistication involved in the materials and design nuances than meets the eye however. We'll consider one typical of that used to launch a big satellite.</p><p>Start with the case. Most large solids of recent manufacture, the shuttle motors are an exception, use a graphite composite case. That case is wound using a specific fiber and a specific resin on a mandrel on top of a piece of rubber that insulates the case structure from hot gasses. The rubber is compounded from specific raw stock including and elastomer and typically an aramid fiber (like Kevlar) that is added to make the charred rubber adhere to the virgin rubber more tenaciously during the burn. The material lots are tested and come with "written certifications" that are recorded an put into a log book that documents the condition of the case after it built. The rubber is mixed to specification and each step in the manufacturing process is witnessed and stamped off. Then the rubber is used to manufacture the insulator, either by winding raw rubber directly onto the mandrel or by modeling and curing it beforehand. Again each step in the process is noted, entered into a log book and stamped off. Once the insulator is put on the mandrel, and again the process is inspected and stamped off, the case winding process begins. The materials for the case have been manufactured, each lot of fiber has been tested and the data verified and certified. Resin chemistry has been verified and certified. For wet wound cases the resin is mixed to specification and the mix parameters recorded and stamped off. The case is wound, winding parameters, most importantly band tensions and time for each layer are recorded and stamped off. The case is taken to the cure oven. The temperature-time curves for the cure are measured, recorded and stamped off. The case is removed from cure and inspected using a variety of inspection techniques, most prominently checks of all dimensions and ultrasound inspection of the quality of the composite itself in a set-up customized to the particular rocket motor case. Any discrepancies are written up and sent to engineering for disposition. In fact, any item found at any time to be outside of tight specification limits is referred to engineering for disposition -- use, rework or scrap. Each disposition requires documentation and a signature by an engineer with specific authority over that aspect of the case. The case is then taken to hydroproof, instrumented with strain gauges and sometimes more sonic sensors and taken up to a proof pressure, typically 1.1 times the maximum expected operating pressure MEOP (MEOP typically assumes a statistically high propellant burn rate at high temperature and is never actually achieved in a launch). The data from the hydroproof receives engineering evaluation and a go/no go decision is made. If all is well, the case is accepted and is sent to the propellant cast facility.</p><p>In parallel, a nozzle is manufactured. The care in that component is similar. Materials are tested and certified. Manufacturing parameters are stamped off. Components are tested via w-ray, ultra-sound and sometimes with CT.</p><p>Ordnance components are manufactured, certified, and inspected, often with N-ray.</p><p>Propellant is prepared. Components are evaluated for chemistry. Ammonium perchlorate is ground to specified particle size distributions and particle size checked. Aluminum particle size is verified. Binder lots are checked for molecular weight and strength. Small trial batches are mixed, burn rate checked and mechanical strength verified. Full scale mixes are made, and mix parameters verified and stamped off. Uncured propellant is sampled and tested for burn rate and mechanical properties. Cure catalyst is added to the mix the mix completed, samples taken and the propellant poured into a waiting case over a core mandrel. Cure is monitored, parameters recorded and verified. In the meantime the sampled propellant is checked for burn rate and mechanical properties and the results recorded and evaluated by engineering. The mandrel is removed, and extraction forces measured and recorded. The loaded case is weighed and the CG determined. All data is recorded an put in the log book.</p><p>The loaded case is taken to finishing and final assembly. Stand-offs and brackets are bonded onto the case. The epoxy used has been verified for chemistry, the mix parameters stamped off and each step in the manufacturing instructions verified with key points stamped off. Each bracket is subjected to a pull test, and the results recorded. Location is likewise inspected and stamped off. Any discrepancy is dispositioned by engineering. The nozzle is installed, All o-rings have been inspected and verified. The igniter is installed, and thru-bulkhead-initiators installed in the igniter closure. All o-rings in those components have also been inspected and verified. A closure is placed in the nozzle throat, and the motor is pressurized with a gas that contains a small amount of helium. Pressure is held and measured to verify that there are no leaks. In addition a helium detector is used to sniff for helium leaks near all joints. Once the leak check is passed, the nozzle, igniter and TBIs cannot be removed without repeating the test. Finally the thrust vector activation system may be installed and function verified and certified. The rocket motor is now ready for shipment on equipment specifically designed and build for that particular design.</p><p>With all of that, the rocket motor is a small part of the cost of the launch. Similar care is taken with other components and with the assembly at the launch site. And with all of that, the rocket and launch are much less expensive than a typical unmanned launch payload. It is the value of the payload that justifies the extreme care and cost of the launch and the components of the launch.</p><p>The payload people want this level of check and verification. They want it because the payloads cost billions and return much more in revenue. or in military intelligence. Failure of a rocket will destroy that very expensive payload and delay the revenue stream from a commercial satellite or, worse, might deny needed intelligence to a soldier on the front line.</p><p>And why is such inspection and care needed for reliability? Gravity is worthy opponent. Launch systems are high performance items. They are closer to a Ferrari than to a Peterbilt. To get the needed performance systems and subsystems are designed to be a light in weight as possible consistent with high reliability. There are few backup systems, everything must work or the mission fails. In terms of a reliability engineer, a rocket is a string of single-point failure modes. So they are built to minimize the potential for anything to fail. If you were to be a passenger would you expect anything less ? This care is driven by the commercial customer as much as by the government customer.</p><p>There is one area where, no matter whether the payload is government or commercial, the government requirements rule. That is in the area of range safety and particularly with the destruct system The eastern and western test ranges have jurisdiction over the destruct system and determine whether or not it is used. Destruct system designs and manufacture must meet their requirements. They know what they want, and they get it. Other government agencies must meet their requirements, period. They are not unreasonable. They are very strict. What they demand is that the destruct system absolutely do its job when called upon to do so and the when it is used no debris leaves the launch corridor. Nobody launches until range safety is satisfied. And when the launch, it is range safety who has their finger on the destruct button. I personally have nothing but respect for these guys.</p><p>There are arenas in which costs can be reduced safely. Chiefly in the area of bureaucratic paperwork and in the size of the crew used at the launch site for preparation of the rocket and payload. There is also money to saved by use of common components across a family of launchers, and that is being done with EELV systems. But there are really no major design shortcuts in the rocket itself that would be available to a commercial launch provider that are consistent with the high reliability that is needed.</p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>