While capturing the capsule sounds like madness, it makes sense.
I agree with the above posts assessment, on the reasons for SpaceX building there capsule like they did and Boeing was helped, to help them stay competitive, by making the capsule side of the mission be reusable to make up for their rockets not being, it was folly on NASA’s front they wanted 2systems for redundancy in the end only one will win on the cost front, if in the end Boings capsule is best NASA would be better buying them and getting SpaceX to put them in orbit for them.
you can see Elon’s frustrations at the press conference after the escape test, when he says test, retest, multiple times, until all possible tests have been completed multiple times. while I am sure I would want the same if I was going up in one at some point test tell you nothing New you just have to do it. NASA is a political animal, and has its problems,
getting back to topic I think as Elon said when they have a number of fairing capture runs that are getting the job done, then I think he will go for a capsule capture likely starting at first with cargo if there design is close to the same.
I see no issue with an attempt as long as safety is put first, So if the capture is not looking good then they abort and allow the default water landing,.
Only if they think they can capture it without problem, do they try to do so.