You can't travel at the speed of light and spaceships don't have headlights! However, hypothetically, if you were travelling just under light speed and you had headlights then they would look normal to you, illuminating things in their beam but to someone way away in front your headlights would be reduced in wavelength so would appear as uv or Xrays, not as light.If you’re in a spaceship traveling at the speed of light and you turn on the headlights, what happens?
Einstein's thought experiment of riding a light wave was a key part of his development of special relativity:
- The experiment
When Einstein was 16, he imagined himself riding a light wave and observing another light wave moving parallel to him.
Let's pretend for a minute that 3 is equal to 5. I know 3 is not equal to 5, but let's pretend it is for a minute. If this were true what else might be true? Well literally ANYTHING might happen when you suspend the rules of mathematics, common sense, and logic, ANYTHING can happen. Perhaps a huge pink space-unicron eats the Earth or Harry Potter-style magic is possible?If you’re in a spaceship traveling at the speed of light and you turn on the headlights, what happens?
In this case, the answer is easy; "turning on the lights would be very uneventful, they would go on just like if the spacecraft were stationary. the people inside would notice no difference. The speed of light is a CONSTANT for all observers.If you’re in a spaceship traveling at very nearly the speed of light and you turn on the headlights, what happens?
If you’re in a spaceship traveling at the speed of light and you turn on the headlights, what happens?
I hate to say it, but you didn't do the greatest job of explaining the constant instant to instant breakdown of relativity behind (to the speed of light constant), and the constant instant to instant build up of relativity ahead (to the speed of light constant), using Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty and Schrodinger's cat box. A matter of vector's magnitudes' gains from and losses to universe's points (0-point infinities).The speed of light in a vacuum is RELATIVE to the observer, thus, ignoring the fact that anything with mass cannot have a velocity above 99.99999% the speed of light, the photons emitted by this theoretical headlight would emanate from their source - at the speed of light, you and an observer away from your frame of reference would see no difference.
I hate to say it, you clearly do not have a reasonable understanding of facts and physics. There is no need to complicate any explanation - why use 100 words when you can use 10,000 to sound smart is not in my vocabulary - I'll use whatever is necessary. If you cannot understand that the speed of light in a vacuum is relative to the observer, regardless of their frame of reference, then you need to either read more or not comment on subjects you clearly do not fully grasp until you do. Asking questions is fine, but making statements you are clearly unable to support is not good.I hate to say it, but you didn't do the greatest job of explaining the constant instant to instant breakdown of relativity behind (to the speed of light constant), and the constant instant to instant build up of relativity ahead (to the speed of light constant), using Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty and Schrodinger's cat box. A matter of vector's magnitudes' gains from and losses to universe's points.