Speed Of The Leading Edge Is The Speed Of Light


Aug 14, 2020
The most advanced edge of space-time and mass-energy in this universe is 'here now'. If you disagree with that prove it by pointing out where a future exists out front of us, as mass-energy, that we haven't reached yet. What is the speed of the leading edge? It can only be the speed of light. Prove that wrong. Prove it! Point to a space in this universe that is in advance of us (in advance of 0-point). Point to a time in this universe that is in advance of us (in advance of 0-point).

The speed of light is locally constant to every possible local velocity. Yet it doesn't outrun leading edge 0-point here now. It doesn't outrun the microcosm here now and there now, mass-energy space / 0-point now. We measure its speed but it never outruns us to the future. It never outruns us to space. It never outruns us to time. it never outruns us to mass. It never outruns us to energy. It never outruns us to the leading edge. It arrives at it at exactly the same time we do. Only locally does it have an advantage. And as soon as we begin to separate 'localities' (in distance) into two or more from one, it loses its advantage to an expanding, a growing, 'non-locality'.

It is said that the expansion of the universe is faster than the speed of light, or rather outruns the speed of light. That isn't quite the way it works. There is a difference, a distance, always between relative time and real time. It is so small here and now. almost to the point of indistinguishability. Almost! That is not indistinguishability.

I've called it the observable and unobservable universe. It is a condition of 'offsetting' the universe into two universes. Sol, our star, is 8 minutes relative time at the speed of light from us. Every split second of that 8 minutes Sol is space and time traveling at the speed of light to a point +8 minutes from the history (-8 minutes when it gets here) that arrived here. Sol is then on the leading edge 8 minutes in advance of that relativity. And, do you know it(?), so are we (real space-time Sol, there now (0-point) / real space-time Earth, here now (0-point)). The mass-energy real time unobservable universe is [offset] at that distance 8 minutes from the massless-energy-less relative time observable universe.

There is just one indicator of real time Sol's existence 8 minutes in advance of our observation of its existence That is Sol's gravity's reach of influence! In that gravitational influence Sol is right here right now in a reached presence. There is just one indicator of real time Earth's existence, as far as real time Sol is concerned, 8 minutes in advance of any Sol observance of it, and that is Earth's gravity's reach of influence! In that gravitational influence Earth is right there right now in a reached presence. Sol is 8-minutes in advance of light regarding Earth! Earth is 8-minutes in advance of light regarding Sol! Regarding real time Earth, real time Sol is offset to the dark universe by 8-minutes (and vice versa).

I'm going to do some near repeating here but this in case some didn't get it. There is just one indicator of real time Andromeda's existence 2.3 million years in advance of our observation of its existence. That is Andromeda's gravity's reach of influence! There is just one indicator of real time Milky Way's existence, as far as real time Andromeda is concerned, 2.3 million years in advance of any Andromeda observance of it, and that is Milky Way's gravity's reach of influence! Andromeda is 2.3 million years in advance of light regarding the Milky Way! The Milky Way is 2.3 million years in advance of light regarding Andromeda! Regarding real time Milky Way, real time Andromeda is offset to the dark universe by 2.3 million years (and vice versa).

The unobservable, dark, universe, just expands and expands, and expands, [away] from the observable, light, universe going [away] from us. Going away from any here and now wherever that is. That observed, and observable, light, relative time photo-universe is in fact massless, energy-less, and depthless. That unobserved, and unobservable, dark, 0-point real time spatial universe is in fact massive, energetic, and deep. Speed of the leading edge is the speed of light.

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