Star Wars to be 3D

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For the same reason he put out the first video tape editions in the early 80s, then re-issued the same with improved sound in the late '80s, then reissued them again in the mid 90s, this time, the "Golden Edition", and then reissued them AGAIN on DVD just 9 or 10 years ago: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

And it doesn't matter what he does to I, II, and III. No amount of technological wizardry will ever make those films worth watching.

Jason, did you happen to catch that youtube vid, "Review of the Phantom Menace" that someone posted here a few months back? It was pretty funny. There were 10 installments and the guy tore apart all three of the latest films. If I owned the rights to 'Star Wars', I wouldn't have allowed Lucas to put the title on those movies at all. (Of course, they're his movies and he owns the rights.)

My theory is that he purposedly made them crappy to make the originals look that much better. :lol:


JasonChapman":3taq35ls said:
I seriously think George has lost the plot now, I was annoyed when they changed the Greedo scene. If the original six films were not made in 3D then what the point of spoiling them by converting them into 3D.


The only Star Wars movies worth watching were the first three. The rest are complete garbage.


Well, it was nice seeing Yoda kick butt, and also nice seeing more of Ian McDiarmid (Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious), who really deeply inhabited his role. But the utter lack of direction was obvious. Lucas is a fine producer, but a terrible director. You could easily tell the more seasoned actors by the fact that they were able to pull something out of their parts in the absence of any direction. The younger ones were all pretty wooden by contrast. And even the experienced ones were hampered by the fact that their interpretations weren't necessarily working together -- since that's something only the director can make happen. Ewan McGregor did a pretty good job as well, clearly investing himself in the part. Samuel L Jackson, though his performance was definitely one who needed some more direction, clearly was having a good time in his part and that at least shone through. Christopher Lee was an inspired choice for Count Dooku; he's a veteran of really crappy movies as well as some really excellent movies, and has both the training and the skill to make a performance watchable at the very least. I mean, even when the movie is complete crap (and he's been in some REALLY crappy movies), he's still fun to watch.

But Anakin . . . the kid who played him in Episode 1 was annoying, but hey, he's a kid. That's almost de rigeur in Hollywood these days. The guy who played him in Episode 2 and 3 was horrendous. The kid was infinitely better -- he might've been annoying, but frankly, that's how he was written, and at least the kid was able to emote and act like he actually believed he was there. Hayden Christiansen could have been replaced by a block of wood and it may have been an improvement. He could almost have phoned in his appearance. It's telling that the CGI version of the character in "The Clone Wars" (which has rather unimpressive facial animation) shows more feeling.

And don't even get me started on Amidala. Or, heaven forbid, the *story*.

As to the upcoming 3D version, I do not intend to waste money on the prequels. If they turn out well enough, I may see the others, especially my favorite, "The Empire Strikes Back". But if Lucas wants to "fix" something, he should put it back to where Han shot first.



I strongly recommend you grab your favorite movie snacks and sit down and watch these reviews. This guy is a JEENIUS! Be prepared for some pretty aching belly laughs.

There are several movies reviewed and the Star Wars reviews can take a couple of hours. But, they're divided into segments so you can take easily take a break from them.

His scathing reviews of all the late production Star Wars films are SPOT ON. He doesn't pull any punches, either. (Warning for language in case the kids are around.)

I have yet to find one redeeming factor in any of the late Star Wars movies. Not one. They're just.. bad. Bad all the way around. Even the eye-candy is bad. There's so much of it that you simply don't care anymore. It's like driving 100 mph through the most beautiful arboretum someone can find and then being asked if you thought it was beautiful.. Blech.

There's no story in any of them. If there was, I could possible give one of them a pass. But, there isn't a story to be had. They're all just films of people moving across a screen and mouthing some words that don't make any sense from one scene to another. Lucus just wanted to turn the crank on the cash machine.

Zen's thread on it here: Star Wars Phantom Menace 1


Calli- I strongly second Alp's suggestion.

These reviews of I, II, and III are hilarious!

(Btw, Yoda kicking-butt was about the only part worth watching. That, and the very end when Vader is created.) But that kid who played the young adult Aniken? Awful. Just plain awful. And the love between him and Queen Amalami or whatever her name is? Oh yeah, that was convincing. :?


it's almost exciting. But 3D movies kind of suck. Well they do for me anyway since I wear glasses, and I have to take them off to put on the other glasses, and thus I can't really notice much of a difference anyway.


M1A1":2lsjgbm9 said:
it's almost exciting. But 3D movies kind of suck. Well they do for me anyway since I wear glasses, and I have to take them off to put on the other glasses, and thus I can't really notice much of a difference anyway.

Ouch, sorry you have to put up with that. You know, there really should be a solution for people who need to wear glasses all the time! They should have something like the clip-on eyeshades for audience members that wear glasses. I don't really go to 3D movies so, wouldn't know if they did or not. But, if they didn't, they should!

Welcome to SDC!


3D is a very gimmicky concept, and many movies have stressed the 3d to the point where there are irrevelant scenes simply for the use of 3d (Journey to the center of the earth)

I think movies are better when they use 3d to add more depth to the movie, instead of taking older movies, putting the OMG 3D label on it, and charging us extra money for it.


In a 3D movie, as soon as some character throws something at the camera or something obtrusive is obviously spun around so the audience can "Oooh and Ahhh" over it, I want to leave the theater... Does the director not already know that we've figured out we're watching a 3D movie?


Got news for you guys. After the 3D versions and a live action TV series (based other characters in the Empire) he has plans for 3 more Star Wars films: VII, VIII and IX :p


docm":ssstxqeu said:
Got news for you guys. After the 3D versions and a live action TV series (based other characters in the Empire) he has plans for 3 more Star Wars films: VII, VIII and IX :p




a_lost_packet_":ze84v47p said:
docm":ze84v47p said:
Got news for you guys. After the 3D versions and a live action TV series (based other characters in the Empire) he has plans for 3 more Star Wars films: VII, VIII and IX :p



Wait a minute. Won't that mean he will butcher the characters of the original series? :!: :!: :!: :!:


Space_pioneer":1lsgtkr7 said:
..Wait a minute. Won't that mean he will butcher the characters of the original series? :!: :!: :!: :!:

Dear Supreme Being,

I don't ask for much in this world. I try to be fair and do my best to treat my fellow human beings with as much respect and kindness that I can. I eat my breakfast, try to stay healthy and try to contribute something meaningful to the rest of the World while I'm here. So far, I think I've done a pretty good job. Sure, I've slipped. But, I've picked myself up, dusted myself off and set myself back on the path less traveled. So, I was thinking... If Lucas is going to make yet more of these things called "films" involving the Star Wars franchise, I'd really like to ask a favor of you - Would it be too much to ask for Jar-Jar to be anally raped to death by a herd of rabid Banthas? Oh, and George Lucas too, if it's not too much trouble.
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