Stating The Obvious As I See It To Be: The 'Centralized' Location In Space/Time Of The BC/PBB


Aug 14, 2020
As I see it (and have long seen it, and have for too long danced around it because it's only too obvious to me), the 'centralized' location in space/time of the BC/PBB was always, and is, as simple and obvious as 'C' ('c')!

I've read and heard for too many times that there was no such thing, and still is no such thing, as a "centralized" location point, an "absolute center", so to speak, in space/time (any space/time) regarding the points, the point, of the Big Crunch / Planck Big Bang. Well there was and is such a centralized location point, such an absolute center, always has been throughout an infinity of where and an eternity of when, and still is!
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Aug 14, 2020
My wording in my introductory post above was so atrocious, in my second reading of my own posting, I had to go back and rework it. I admit, not even close to the first time for both atrocity and reworking (mostly from trying to deal in great complexity of multi-dimensional description and any answering explanation, while compacting it into a relatively small space, relatively speaking, that is : I'm no book writer; not even close; I do my picturing, as I do my responding, on the fly). I hope my intro post is a little bit clearer than it was as to intent.... and better.
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Aug 14, 2020
Try this on for size: (+/-) 300,000kps is a 'Horizon' constant, and reduces to / converts to, constant from infinite ('c =1' herein is background infinity constant on the order of, and merging in 'Horizon' with, background infinity (background gravity's) constant, 't=1').

C = 1 and/or 0 (c = (+/-) 300,000kps (1) and/or 'uncertainty' (0)).

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other. So, all life is a great chain, the nature of which is known whenever we are shown a single link of it...." -- from Sherlock Holmes: A Study In Scarlet, by Arthur Canon Doyle.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than who think differently." -- Friedrich Nietzsche.


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