Stop watching M. Night Shamylan!!!!!

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When are people going to realize that M. Night Shamylan doesn't make movies, he makes trailers!?!!?!? Some how that garbage "The Last Airbender" managed to make something like 60 million dollars this last weekend, yet rates a pathetic 9% on!!! This clown hasn't made a real movie since "Sixth Sense." I'd say movie production companies are trying to catch lightning in a bottle, but they aren't. They know Shamylan makes garbage movies and terrific trailers, so they watch all the suckers flood in and blow their money on his garbage licking their lips the whole time. So please people, stop paying a single cent more to watch this guy's crap movies! If peiople finally stop showing up for opening weekend, studios will stop asking this guy to make his crappy movies.


I think you're forgetting that not everyone who has spent money on seeing his films, shares your opinion.


nimbus":2fqmi02c said:
We must all conform to Brandbll's tastes.

No not my taste, just good taste in general. You see people who generally like well written, well produced, well directed movies; well, tend to not like any of M. Night's movies except for The Sixth Sense.


brandbll":z6wojgnw said:
Some how that garbage "The Last Airbender" managed to make something like 60 million dollars this last weekend, yet rates a pathetic 9% on!!!

Oh, well I guess that "" is the end all and be all of movie raters!!! And the people who were willing to spend thier 60 million dollars watching Airbender were all totally wrong.

My question is, "Have you seen Airbender?" If not, then shut up because you have no clue what you're talking about. Especially if you are basing your opinion on some idiotic and meaningless percentage point. 9% of WHAT? Anybody dumb enough to decide whether or not to see a movie by listening to critics...? Nuff said.


brandbll":awo6tjtg said:
nimbus":awo6tjtg said:
We must all conform to Brandbll's tastes.

No not my taste, just good taste in general. You see people who generally like well written, well produced, well directed movies; well, tend to not like any of M. Night's movies except for The Sixth Sense.
Rationalizing "my taste".


I intend to watch it. I like the cartoon. It was a shame they had to give up their name to James Cameron's movie, which frankly did not depend on the word "Avatar".

Avatar: the Last Airbender is about a young boy named Aang who is the latest incarnation of the Avatar, a person capable of controlling all four elements. Aang was born an Airbender. In order to prevent the Avatar from incarnating, the Fire Nation exterminated the Air nation, so in addition to being the Avatar, Aang is the last airbender as well. A bender is one who can control an element, such as Earth, Air, Water, or Fire. The series lasted three seasons, and was done as a multi-year novel (rather like Babylon 5, in that respect). The Avatar has not been seen for a long time; the last Avatar, a firebender, died saving the Fire Lord (emperor of the Fire Nation). His/her (sometimes the Avatar is a woman) function is to maintain harmony between the four tribes. In the Avatar's absence, the Fire Nation has become ambitious, and the current Fire Lord desires to conquer the entire world, eliminating the benders of other nations and enslaving their people.

The TV series chronicles Aang's quest to figure out who he is, learn how to control the other elements, and rally support among the people so that they rise up against the Fire Nation and restore the balance.

My biggest worry about the movie is that there's a hell of a lot of material to cover, and I haven't the slightest idea of how they can jam it all into a single feature-length movie. As my husband said, "Maybe if it's Part 1 of 47." :D Maybe it's basically just the ending. That could work, though you'd lose a lot from the major character arcs.


CalliArcale":xk9p04v9 said:
I intend to watch it. I like the cartoon.

It is one of the few modern cartoons that I've seen that I like. I haven't seen every episode, but may go see the movie, depending upon how the entertainment budget goes in the next few weeks. Money is very tight now, might have to wait for it to come out on PPV.


The Last Airbender does a good job summarizing the cartoon, but it's not really one of his better movies. Aside from the "giant penis" hairdo they gave the Princess of the Northern Water Nation (really inappropriate for a PG movie, since it's vast and centered in the scene so that you can't miss seeing it), it was like he didn't get to add any of his usual creative flair to it.


If I say I liked "Signs" ... does that make me a bad person ?


I liked most of his films save for The Happening, so shoot me.


Conform, or else!!!!!

I actually found Sixth Sense the worst of the lot. The teary kid bearing a spooky burden device got old real fast. It was like watching some corny 80s movie all over again.. Even good 80s movies like Weekend at Bernie's are hard to watch because of that kind of devices.

The Happening wasn't near perfect, but the way it was filmed made up for it. That'll get old after a while too, but so far it's so different from almost all of the rest of Hollywood that it's easily worth the theater ticket and pricetag to add it to the bluray library.


StarRider1701":3lka2ro7 said:
brandbll":3lka2ro7 said:
Some how that garbage "The Last Airbender" managed to make something like 60 million dollars this last weekend, yet rates a pathetic 9% on!!!

Oh, well I guess that "" is the end all and be all of movie raters!!! And the people who were willing to spend thier 60 million dollars watching Airbender were all totally wrong.

My question is, "Have you seen Airbender?" If not, then shut up because you have no clue what you're talking about. Especially if you are basing your opinion on some idiotic and meaningless percentage point. 9% of WHAT? Anybody dumb enough to decide whether or not to see a movie by listening to critics...? Nuff said.

So if you go out to buy a vehicle, do you do research on it? Or do you just watch a commercial and base your decision off that? Basing whether you're going to go to the theatre to spend tens of dollars all on trailers is what's stupid. It makes you out to be an uninformed consumer, which the majority of americans are. It's just like when i hear people make a big deal about an up and coming amateur athelete based on their highlight reel. Of course they look good, it's a highlight reel and that's exactly what most previews to movies are.

You're telling me to shut up because i haven't seen the movie, but have you? 9 % of WHAT? Well, actually it's now 8%, and it means that a lowly 10 out of 124 reviewers gave it a positive review. It also received an average rating of 2.9 out of 10. And yes, rottentomatoes IS the end all and be all of movie raters because it combines lots of reviews to give you a perspective of what a whole variety of reviews are saying about the movie.

I'll address the rest of the posts later i have to go to bed.


Rotten Tomatoes is sort of a review aggregator, and that does make it useful -- but it is still not the be-all and end-all of reviews. No review is, and that's because "good" is a largely subjective thing. One person can like a movie while another person hates it. Heck, it can vary based on the person's mood; a movie you'd like one day you might hate another, depending on how you felt the first time you saw it. I've seen movies that got good reviews which I utterly hated, and vice versa.

Based on what I've heard so far, I think I will probably wait for it to come out on DVD, and spend my money instead on picking up the DVDs of the series so I can catch the bits I missed. ;) Lots of places have it on sale, now that they've come out with special peachy-keen collectors editions which they want people to buy now that the movie is out in theaters.


It's great fun to slate Brand for making such a sweeping statement but you all know what he's he's talking about, and you all know he's not wrong. In a sense, Sixth Sense is the only movie Shyamalan has made, in that it was a fully rounded story which worked on it's own terms and yet was fully satisfying.

Unbreakable - Like comic to movie adaptations, this origianal movie based on comic lore suffers from the need to set up and adhere to a series of bizarre and arbitrary rules in order for it's story to function. Like most comic book movies it's difficult for me to care about the story, the characters and their dilemma's because they have nothing to do with the real world.

Signs - Moments of brilliance and terrifying vision which collapse under the weight the stupidity of the dénouement.

The Happening - once again, captivating setup, moments of brilliance which add up to nothing except perhaps a series of music videos rather than a rounded story.

The village - Ditto.

I've learned to stop hoping for something better than this from Shyamalan. He come's perilously close to perfection for a few minutes of each of his films, but I need more than a few minutes to justify the price of admission.


I think the people who make movies could learn from the people who make trailers. I really liked the trailers for Starwars, Episode I. It had a brooding, Frank Herbert/Dune feeling to it. Exactly where it should have been aimed considering the premise really did not suit a kiddy movie, and the original young audience had matured.

ps: I liked Signs. It had a great twist ending though apparently Night Shyamalan missed it ;)
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