Strange chemical on Venus may come from volcanoes, not life

The article says ""Venus looks like a volcanic planet — it has a very youthful surface, and there is evidence it has experienced substantial resurfacing recently in its history," study senior author Jonathan Lunine, a planetary scientist at Cornell University, told"

Yes, young surface areas compared to the 4.56 billion years old solar system based upon meteorite ages. Catastrophism in the solar system :)

Reference paper, Volcanically extruded phosphides as an abiotic source of Venusian phosphine,, 20-July-2021. In the paper it states, ""Additional observations also support the presence of widespread active volcanism today on Venus (51⇓–53), and others have argued that plume volcanism is very likely to originate from deep in the mantle (17). A high near-infrared emissivity observed by the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) instruments on Venus Express has been interpreted as due to lava flows with young ages, which expose unweathered Fe2+-bearing silicates to view (less than 250,000 y to 2.5 million years depending on the resurfacing model), with the volume of these flow features estimated to range from about 2,350 to 23,500 km^3 (52). Rescaling the steady resurfacing model with a rate of 1 km^3/y would lead to an age of 25,000 y, the more likely ages for those young flow features (52). Experiments measuring the weathering rate at Venus surface conditions (54⇓–56) support even younger ages of the lava flows identified by Smrekar et al. (52), possibly decades to hundreds of years. VIRTIS emissivity data also show evidence of recent volcanism at Quetzelpetlatl Corona, in which volcanism is on the scale of the Deccan Traps (51, 53). Even with limited coverage, VIRTIS data suggest that regions of recent volcanism on Venus may have produced peak volcanic rates within the past 100 y similar to the peak rate at the Deccan Traps (10 km^3/y) (57)."

The paper narrows down the ages here from possible 2.5 million years old volcanism to 100 years old. If phosphine at Venus is non-biological origin, that leaves Mars, Europa, and Enceladus now in the news where life may exist. Earth has life. That suggest 4 different bodies in the solar system where abiogenesis created life, independently from non-living matter, following the science view about the origin of life. Challenging the phosphine report at Venus as non-biological in origin is good science in my thinking.


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