Study: 11,800 jobs from commercial space

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If I am understanding this correctly Docm, this should balance out the job losses from Constellation and prevent some of the "brain drain" everybody is worried about. Am I reading this right?


And if that's how it turns out, the people who misled the public and professionals by explicitly saying that those lost jobs were a major justification for not going the commercial way.. need to make amends. Nevermind that they could've said so to steer things to their benefit (iow plain corruption), the least they must do is admit they were wrong as publicly and explicitly as their predictions.


Quote from the same article that's linked in a related thread: "Can we PLEASE start assembling larger ships in earth orbit??" ... rket-2016/
NASA has the opportunity to not only get out of the orbital launch business but to help to create a viable commercial launch industry and to pioneer a new way of using space. Within six or seven years, we could have multiple commercial space stations orbiting the Earth with commercial support systems, built by Americans in America and launched from our spaceports. That would be a capability that nobody else in the world would possess. America would lead the world in commercial space, not only in orbit but in suborbital space, an arena in which U.S. based companies are far ahead of everyone else.
It's an opinion piece but the facts and opinion are clearly discernible.
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