Superluminal Motion, Slow Light in Vacuum, Crimestop

Dec 27, 2022
"For generations, physicists believed there is nothing faster than light moving through a vacuum - a speed of 186,000 miles per second. But in an experiment in Princeton, N.J., physicists sent a pulse of laser light through cesium vapor so quickly that it left the chamber before it had even finished entering. The pulse traveled 310 times the distance it would have covered if the chamber had contained a vacuum. Researchers say it is the most convincing demonstration yet that the speed of light - supposedly an ironclad rule of nature - can be pushed beyond known boundaries, at least under certain laboratory circumstances...The results of the work by Wang, Alexander Kuzmich and Arthur Dogariu were published in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature."

"The speed of light is a limit, not a constant - that's what researchers in Glasgow, Scotland, say. A group of them just proved that light can be slowed down, permanently..."But once that pattern has been imposed - even now the light is no longer in the mask, it's just propagating in free space - the speed is still slow," Padgett added."

"Glasgow researchers slow the speed of light"

George Orwell: "Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity."
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Dec 27, 2022
A large number of experiments have shown that superluminal motion is possible. However the scientific community is unable to react adequately because Einsteinians bombard it with idiotic and confusing explanations, often involving "group velocity" and "phase velocity". Experimentalists are forced to include such explanations in their articles - otherwise there would be no publication. Sometimes "group velocity" and "phase velocity" turn out to be insufficiently confusing and Einsteinians resort to the ultimate weapon - the preposterous "speed of information". This speed confuses and paralyses any critic or heretic:

Robert W. Boyd, Daniel J. Gauthier, Controlling the Velocity of Light Pulses: "So why do laboratory results of fast light not necessitate the superluminal transfer of information? It is believed that the explanation lies in the distinction between Vg [group velocity] and the information velocity. The group velocity can take on any value. However, the information velocity can never exceed c and, according to many models, is always equal to c."

LIGO fakers: "The fact that the speed of gravitational waves is equal to the speed of electromagnetic waves is simply because they both travel at the speed of information."

If it were not for the confusing environment created by the Einstein Cult, superluminal motion would be regarded as commonplace. Just a few examples (note preposterous explanations of why Divine Albert's Divine Theory survives):

Nature 406, 277-279 (20 July 2000): "...a light pulse propagating through the atomic vapour cell appears at the exit side so much earlier than if it had propagated the same distance in a vacuum that the peak of the pulse appears to leave the cell before entering it."

"The speed at which light travels through a vacuum, about 186,000 miles per second, is enshrined in physics lore as a universal speed limit. Nothing can travel faster than that speed, according to freshman textbooks and conversation at sophisticated wine bars; if anything could, Einstein's theory of relativity would crumble, and theoretical physics would fall into disarray. Two new experiments have demonstrated how flexible or misleading that comfortable wisdom can be in the right circumstances. Using a combination of atomic and electromagnetic effects, researchers have produced light beams in the laboratory that appear to travel much faster than the normal speed of light. Einstein's theory survives, physicists say, but the results of the experiments, they agree, are mind-bending. In the most striking of the new experiments a pulse of light that passes through a transparent chamber filled with specially prepared cesium gas appears to be pushed to speeds of 300 times the normal speed of light. That is so fast that, under these peculiar circumstances, the main part of the pulse exits the chamber even before it enters...But Einstein's theory, and at least a shred of common sense, seem to survive, the physicists explain, because the effect could never be used to signal back in time to change the past and, in the example, avert the accident."

"Light hits near infinite speed in silver-coated glass. A nano-sized bar of glass encased in silver allows visible light to pass through at near infinite speed. The technique may spur advances in optical computing...In a vacuum the refractive index is 1, and the speed of light cannot break Einstein's universal limit of 300,000 kilometres per second. Normal materials have positive indexes, and they transmit at the speed of light in a vacuum divided by their refractive index. Ordinary glass, for instance, has an index of about 1.5, so light moves through it at about 200,000 kilometres per second. The new material contains a nano-scale structure that guides light waves through the metal-coated glass. It is the first with a refractive index below 0.1, which means that light passes through it at almost infinite speed, says Albert Polman at the FOM Institute AMOLF in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. But the speed of light has not, technically, been broken. The wave is moving quickly, but its "group velocity" the speed at which information is travelling is near zero."

"Speed of light broken with basic lab kit. Electric signals can be transmitted at least four times faster than the speed of light using only basic equipment that would be found in virtually any college science department. Scientists have sent light signals at faster-than-light speeds over the distances of a few metres for the last two decades - but only with the aid of complicated, expensive equipment. Now physicists at Middle Tennessee State University have broken that speed limit over distances of nearly 120 metres, using off-the-shelf equipment costing just $500...While the peak moves faster than light speed, the total energy of the pulse does not. This means Einstein's relativity is preserved, so do not expect super-fast starships or time machines anytime soon."

"Researchers at the University of Ottawa observed that twisted light in a vacuum travels slower than the universal physical constant established as the speed of light by Einstein's theory of relativity...In The Optical Society's journal for high impact research, Optica, the researchers report that twisted light pulses in a vacuum travel up to 0.1 percent slower than the speed of light, which is 299,792,458 meters per second...If it's possible to slow the speed of light by altering its structure, it may also be possible to speed up light. The researchers are now planning to use FROG to measure other types of structured light that their calculations have predicted may travel around 1 femtosecond faster than the speed of light in a vacuum."

"Light Pulses That Travel Faster Than Light Created...The technique developed at NIST is called four-wave mixing, and it works by altering some parts of each individual light pulse. This makes the light move forward faster than it normally would when traveling through a vacuum...The physicists explain that the new research does not violate Albert Einstein's theory on general relativity - which states that the speed of light in a vacuum is the fastest achievable in the Universe. They say that a sort of loophole exists in this theory. By careful tuning of the light source and advanced calculations, it is possible to nudge portions of the light pulses so that they arrive at their destination ahead or behind the main pulse...With four-wave mixing, the NIST investigators produced laser pulses that arrived at their destination a full 50 nanoseconds faster than photons traveling through a vacuum."

"Light that travels... faster than light!...This is exactly what the EPFL team has demonstrated. Using their Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) method, the group was able to slow a light signal down by a factor of 3.6, creating a sort of temporary "optical memory." They were also able to create extreme conditions in which the light signal travelled faster than 300 million meters a second. And even though this seems to violate all sorts of cherished physical assumptions, Einstein needn't move over - relativity isn't called into question, because only a portion of the signal is affected."

"Recent experiments show that particles should be able to go faster than light"

"Nimtz and others argue that an analysis of signal shape and frequency spectrum has evidenced that a superluminal signal velocity has been measured and that tunneling is the one and only observed violation of special relativity. However - in contradiction to their opponents - they explicitly point out that this does not lead to a violation of primitive causality."ünter_Nimtz
Dec 27, 2022
"Researchers at the University of Ottawa observed that twisted light in a vacuum travels slower than the universal physical constant established as the speed of light by Einstein’s theory of relativity...If it’s possible to slow the speed of light by altering its structure, it may also be possible to speed up light. The researchers are now planning to use FROG to measure other types of structured light that their calculations have predicted may travel around 1 femtosecond faster than the speed of light in a vacuum."

Not so fast, researchers at the University of Ottawa! Slow light in a vacuum is a sin but Einsteinians may still forgive you. However "faster than the speed of light in a vacuum" is absolutely unforgivable. Remember what happened to poor OPERA scientists:

"Two leaders of the OPERA collaboration, which stunned the world in September when it announced data suggesting that neutrinos could travel faster than the speed of light, have stepped down. The resignation of Antonio Ereditato as spokesperson and Dario Autiero as physics coordinator of the study followed a vote of no confidence, held yesterday by leaders of the individual groups within the collaboration, according to a source at OPERA who asked not to be identified."


Aug 14, 2020
In one second how far in light time future has your frame ascended in space-time? . . . has your clock time ascended in space-time? In one second how far in light time history has light's frame descended in space-time? . . . has its clock descended in space-time? It will always come out the same distance you read you ascended (future (+)) and you read it descended (history (-)).

You have a problem. It's direction of flow in its descent into light time history has always been credited a physics faster than the speed of light. As the observer traveler you see why don't you, watching a march into history -- although you meet the light itself always front to front, face to facing, at constant 'c' -- for anything and everything to your rear as you move away and gain distance from it? Equally but oppositely, still meeting light itself front to front, face to facing, at speed of light constant 'c', you ascend history (observe yourself to ascend history), slow or fast (no matter how fast, even to infinity, well, not quite but seeming) to your fore, which always means you are doing slower, hugely or minuscule (whatever), than the speed of light to your fore regardless . . . therefore, as I observe, observing a faster than the speed of light physic to your rear, equally regardless. The speed of light meeting you, no matter from what direction, fore, side, rear, will always measure 'c'. The light time history it shows you (ascending (+) > || < descending (-)) will always be a vastly different story of time travel; space-time travel.

I like to really get into physics, as an observer traveler and observer and observers . . . like the observer traveler being observed by six different observers at six different locations varying in distance in space and time from the observer traveler. The observer traveler thus having six sides to the one (particle) traveler that are six different (particle) travelers to the six different (varying) distant observers.
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Aug 14, 2020
"The observer traveler thus having six sides to the one (particle) traveler that are six different (particle) travelers to the six different (varying) distant observers."

The observed universe thus having six sides to the one (particle) universe that are six different (particle) universes to the six different (varying) located observers.


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