I'm still angry at videos depicting time slowing down caused by traveling fast point A to point B in the universe. How about trying point B (t=-x) to point B (t=0) via triangulation and teleportation drive from point A.
Saturn (point B (t=0)) is so-many light-minutes (Saturn point B t-x)) from Earth (point A (t=0). By constant acceleration drive, time travel drive, (point B (t-x) to point B (t=0) from point A (t=0).
Centauri is 4 light years away. Point B (t-4yrs away) to Point B (t=0) from Point A (Earth (t=0). Via teleportation drive, time travel past to future, Centauri Point B (t-4yrs) to Centauri Point B (t=0), from Earth Point A, however fast forward continuous acceleration drive can drive the traveler through time!
Andromeda (Point B (t-2,000,000yrs)) is app. 2,000,000 light years from Earth (Point A (t=0)) and Andromeda (Point B (t=0)). Via teleportation drive, time travel past to future, Point B (t-2,000,000yrs) to Point B (t=0), from Earth (Point A (t=0)), however fast forward continuous acceleration drive can drive the traveler through time!
Some few seem to be aware how it works! Too many, like Brian Greene in certain videos, obviously unaware how it works!

The Biggest Smallest Triangle Just Got Smaller | Quanta Magazine
A new proof breaks a decades-long drought of progress on the problem of estimating the size of triangles created by cramming points into a square.

Saturn (point B (t=0)) is so-many light-minutes (Saturn point B t-x)) from Earth (point A (t=0). By constant acceleration drive, time travel drive, (point B (t-x) to point B (t=0) from point A (t=0).
Centauri is 4 light years away. Point B (t-4yrs away) to Point B (t=0) from Point A (Earth (t=0). Via teleportation drive, time travel past to future, Centauri Point B (t-4yrs) to Centauri Point B (t=0), from Earth Point A, however fast forward continuous acceleration drive can drive the traveler through time!
Andromeda (Point B (t-2,000,000yrs)) is app. 2,000,000 light years from Earth (Point A (t=0)) and Andromeda (Point B (t=0)). Via teleportation drive, time travel past to future, Point B (t-2,000,000yrs) to Point B (t=0), from Earth (Point A (t=0)), however fast forward continuous acceleration drive can drive the traveler through time!
Some few seem to be aware how it works! Too many, like Brian Greene in certain videos, obviously unaware how it works!
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