BBrock -<br /><br />Your welcome for the responses. crazyeddie has better answers then I do: I just know what I have and what to do with it, not the "whys" of it all. About M101; I hear you about SNP and it's stated magnitude. Try looking at it again without so much power. Try that 25mm at 48x that you have. I think you may notice more detail in the galaxy especially if you use averted vision. M33 [The Southern Pinwheel] is the same way and they are both huge galaxies. M33 has NGC's within it that you can see. M31 [Andromeda] has something within it called the "Association" that is located in one of the arms. If I remember right, it's a brighter area towards the left-bottom side (Reflector View). A Galaxy called Barnards Galaxy is so faint it is best seen in dark skies with a good finderscope. M82 [The Cigar] & M104 [Sombrero] on the other hand are two galaxies that I've found CAN take a little magnification without washing the whole thing out into nothingness.<br /><br />And "Yes", I do have a suggestion for fixing humid, muggy sky pollution. Move to the desert...! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> (But not to Las Vegas...!) <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />