terraforming primer

Jan 29, 2020
0.9g-1.1g easily completed: There are water worlds every 315 LYs, tidal wave ice balls aggregating rocky worlds each 95 LYs, medical atmosphere nitrogen Earths each 120 LYs. If we terraformed a sulfur oceania we'd be able to do 1.1% Ammonia in the future for ourselves instead of 0.1%, and 2.5% for animals instead of 1.5%. Thus water worlds every 30 LYs.
There is a 1.1g ice ball near Mizar where radiation is less; it would take a millenia to find good rocks but Oceania would take the same to be suit breathable removing 1/2 the exposed sulfur. 45 LYs out the USA's hot world has two moons to teleoperate Nitrogen based materials to remove metal gases that would only subsequently outgas upon surface impact/quake/industry. An Earth2 168 LYs away has mountains 2/3s easy clathrates needed to be levelled to keep an oxygen atmosphere. Their white sun looks 1/2 our's size. Nitrogen from 10 LYs away. -30C 200 LYs Neptune needs power and materials to service but longevity is better for every lifeform after habitating the Insurrection world for a millenia. They are 70 LYs apart. Ammonia terraforming gets decent in a million yrs, around the same time oceans can be made. Nitrate terraforming will be NASA's in a millenia, around the time it will be technically ready for the cooker. Rare Earth missed Sulfur outcompetes water and ammonia toxic chain reactions, and Nitrogen kills toxic oxides, so we are good in space, just strung out for 100k-1M yrs. The two best are still 100 LYs to close to Betelgeuse. Exobiology should get burrowing mammals at -1C Earth2.
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Jan 29, 2020
The Texas Level 1 world has Pb minable on one Moon (both Diones) as well as fluorite to go with N. GC_3512 is 0.1 atm can go to 0.2 and import up to 0.4 atm to be inert. On the way to oceans Level 2 we'll see clathrate mountains 200k ft high. W/ an internal heat and drier upper atmosphere they become crystal castles. That is to prepare for the 75k ft tall spires on Earth2, often green but all colours. Continents are like ours. No oceans but 1 km of sulfur, Magnesium Sulfate, Fe granite. The clathrates are under the Himalayas, mag lev is needed to exhume the 10k ft geolayer. Nearly 40k ft of clathrates built up to a million yrs ago on the continents; still do when weird sleet happens. Laser 150ft slabs is clean, undercutting is dirty. When it snows the sundog up to 100km away makes 90% our lumens, music references pairing up. Roses are there and leaf foliage leads to fire. The snow has cigarette ash and regional tannins.
No solar flares or radiation above UV here. The clathrates protected the surface while it had oxygen from permanently toxic geology. Ozone addible levelled to 45000ft. 20000ft for permanent oxygen is 10000ft of (Cu) granite gone. 1000x Ayer's Rock mass boulders up in the clathrates.
Jan 29, 2020
A 3rd level 1 object is a wandering Triton ice ball 30 LYs out. 1/2 is toxic Ammonia. Outer shell exposed to vacuum. It is to be a rocket, also has enough metal among 1M lodgings for 2 starships. Of 3 stars one 36 LYs out has a Mars-like inert Si planet +8C. Hot UV for insects but plants in domes good.
GJ's Oort is prettier than our System's planets; has two in a coupled Mars orbit, are also from 3 different star systems. An X-ray laser will get us into the 1.1 granite. The mining ice moon has frozen pools of radiation (from source) through 1/2 of it. Texas only has a regular magnetic fields around the 20 degrees equator and its Moon Pb needs to be used immediately. NItrogen is plated w/ Pt ideally and the irradiated poles are covered with the Moon's manufacture. Air metals contact the Pt, heat up and adsorb. Ammonia would wipe them clean. Texas has two minable planets with it. A Venus w/ 5% methane air. Rocket fuel must be made on surface to send methane to space. Clathrate R+D would happen. The other was an ice moon, it aggregated granite, had some ash depositing volcanies. The ice had metal and sunk. Your deepest core is heaviest metal to mine.
Oceania has a 0.1g Si Granite Moon suitable (no magnetic field) for doming water and making city-sized aquariums. Removing 1/2 the oceans drops temps to -5C from +1C. Salting carbon particles from 8x our Navy into the remaining oceans makes the ocean vapour turn into water vapour. Boring under the ocean from 10% land gets to an okay carbon deposit. 1.1g Mizar moon 100LYs out has brine Au turned to Cu still shaped like Au not to be disturbed. 10 can be visited instead of Oceania, two 1.5 LYs away from eachother in a 40LY orbit can be sent together and returned to in a millenia. One has Sulfides one has metals and combined a continent area is safe from chemical reactions in an ice cavern. "Insurrection" out of the plane safe from war is 9000yrs away from being medically fully used. The tidal wave world 210 LYs out has kid-fist nuggets of Ir and Pt w/ shovel. Earth2 has an inner planet at 41C. Inert Si moon not for mice without shell is 0.4g good for biology or honeymoons, star is weaker at Earth2 but less gamma at inner Venus orbit. Cutting mountains w/ heat particle source after melting lowlands and sending to space.
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Jan 29, 2020
WISE 0335+4310 (Perseus) has cubic prism ice in its Moon that can easily extract some near 10 km goodies. Where the crystallography changes you may have a good or bad lodging. At 22C the homeworld would have surface reactions. Sulfur is good for water decontamination and surface depassivation to a degree. At 100 atm some sequesters happens in S. Your Venus at 6 atm needs condensed matter rocket walls to bring up methane, the rocket will be 20x mass of Starship. Callisto at GJ_3512 has warehouses and is fragile enough. Animals only interior. There are 2.5 more Level 1 projects for Earth eventually. The goal of Oceania is to teach to make ammonia worlds terraformed; 2% more ocean worlds will be terraformable an atmosphere when Oceania is completed.
Jan 29, 2020
The sky survey focused upon the inner 90% of 0335. It looks milky white and the outer shell is glassy infrared. The diameter isn't estimated. 2% more white light shines out through its plane, a clearer path. Agriculture habitable zones and solar utility zones can be machine learned. Gamma lenses are needed looking at it, not X-ray. That would ruin thermoelectric power in close. Radio emissions of other stars can affect dielectrics...GJ is too UV for thermoelectrics. 0335 is 1/2 brown dwarf 1/2 fusion. I'd worry about similiar (200m Betelgeuse survival zone) hardpan objects for lessons en route as well as 0335's CO2 ice moon was infrared-only dried out and at a max car commute 10% ice vents nuclear reactions. Neutrinos will find condensed matter along the way to WISE. Two biggest and 4 other Mizar comets will come out ahead.
Level 4 objects are 300+ LYs out. A gold world of cave walls w/ 5% baking soda water aquifers that leach Au to the cave floors. Its crust is 1% Noble metals. Safe from the supernova wake as it is 10 LY out from where new objects create more value, is mine in 35000 yrs Earth-3 (red sky). 100M human carrying capacity (Earth's animal's), hotter than WISE and safer (1/2 asbestos) than Earth. Better magnetic field. Travel w/ Earth-2 which gets system and orbital EM shields from Betelgeuse. The tidal wave world will accrue radiation at its ozone Layer. Oceania will be raided for water mid-wake. A 3rd Level 4 object is a Borg ship 3000km cube. Often diamond nanorod, has 150km radius of anionic fluids but 100m away could be safe, 1.8g needs to be bored out. It could survive 1/2 the time if Sirius went nova where we are.
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Jan 29, 2020
Fomalhaut is another Level 1. There is an 18C 0.6g world able to form oceans for deep sea life. A few km surface layer of briny 30 elements. A few km of polyethylene. One km of water 30% is Ammonia. And a deep layer of 1 km Pb battery acid, all over bedrock. Eventually covers are needed for UV at least, some gamma. The brine is not to contact the ocean layer, nor the battery acid any other layer. So you have to remove the brine and plastic and make something, and set up a power system with the Pb (ocean-only minus ammonia desired). It has an oblong orbit only in the bright sun 1/2 the yr, 20% is ocean and 10% seas/lake. Under water will need a heat and maybe light source from stored bright solar yr. Below 10m life should be protected once Ammonia removed. After Betelgeuse life will make it 100m deep or 30m if really well made. A prerequisite for Oceania 80 LYs out, help is one weathered ice Oort planet of brittle talc like gypsum. There is enough metal for 100 to staff an orbiting base, drilling or cat-ing.
Jan 29, 2020
Fomalhaut is the "Unbreakable" scene. 10ft of metals on the brine. If you stick a landing you might plant normally or maybe a ft or two into the surface. Only a little rover. It is hard enough to get to the battery acid layer w/out being electrocuted. There are volcanoes under the bedrock, they vent to surface cataclysmically once a millenia. A big risk is comet showers, up to football sized debris. The UV makes it hard to approach and good domes will be needed. The 30% ammonia is equivalent to 10% if still under interlayer pressure. For any layer underneath 90m radius around your drill applying downwards pressure to, will result in the underlayer seeping out. Two bilayer rocks around to practise (no in situ but a ground DS9). Battery acid clay and pumice layers are km deep above bedorck but global ecology should survive.

On the way to Mizar comets there are two failed tidal wave agglomerates option to visit. One has 12m waves but from the start a freon sulfur reaction happened and metastasized. The other has km high waves and a 30% O2 atmosphere but peat weathered with clay to form a flammable substrate; is oxidized heavily never terraformed. 13 LY away from Earth is a moon that has a little bit of H20 and Ammonia. Krill unlikely. The other bilayer has liquid water in the ground, enough for a 20m diameter pond. It is to be outgassed w/ a dome already in place and 1 km UHV tight extensions underground so the dome is a parabola. One shot at either better and better bio, or wave physics, or aquatic vehicle tests; the real insight comes learning how to replicate the ground's ability to keep the parabola pressurized.
Earth-2 and B.Dwarfs may be reflected/refracted/metalensed in orbit or air, to heat the surface and the foliage would be brown, yellow, orange and red.
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Jan 29, 2020
The lizard's AI prevented 8 hrs of studies with a metal probe 1/2-way through my brain forming heard memories 0.01 secs after the fake event, so I ended the terraforming form of utopia they were optimized for not being there beyond B.Ratan... I can't leave Earth quickly for new cobbled worlds and they are inferior without anti-seepage tech. I'll run to a communications wormhole where it is easier to wake Nadine (carbon conscious 8-11 yrs old, metal after like you >today and <1982). I'll aggregate worlds from 0.55g rocks or comets, Staying in the plane. 40 LY away is 0.48 granite inert and gas clouds, ice. Not to be vapourized on the way down is the added mass.
I'll need nanorods. Whoever imaged wants to come with can of 3.5B people. I'll likely return to Earth as water seeps through artificial-rubble worlds when heat is 1km from the dome; clay is needed and 200 LY away is good enough 3-4 suns within 15 LYs with building materials. 400000 yrs some migrating animals may be there. Earth might make the comets of Mizar. Better holography will be needed w/ out ecosystems; Earth-2 had NOx at freezing artificial worlds won't. NASA had experiential terraforming culture to add. The rocket fuel to remove from the 1.2g world is radioactive, dusty Jetson's world still fine. Procyon has 3.5 LY out the "Broken Bells" cover moon of dense ice radioactivity is -10 yrs expectancy, also lasers will form a plasma inducing an Ag asteroid out. Lasers and superconductive piezo may bank nanorod production. The 8B yr dead core had CNTs everywhere and couldn't go 0.01c and walking through superanion core removes memories.
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