The 1st Milky Way black hole image was groundbreaking — the next could be even better

Mar 8, 2022
"...light bending in the black hole's gravity,..."

Light follows the geometry of space-time exclusively.
The gravitational effect [vibratory structured matter with mass across a gradient of time-dilation]
can not be involved because light/EM has no resting mass to favor/linger at slower time strata.

They do seem to be getting remarkable resolutions.
The description of the effects on resolution from the distribution of the radio telescopes on Earth got me thinking about what might be achieved with radio telescopes added on the Moon, or even the Moon plus L2 and or L1. Add in L4 and L5, and we should be able to "see" some mighty fine details.

That is the kind of science I hope we can do when Starship is able to put up much more massive payloads reliably and less expensively.
More accurate estimates of the black holes' spin rates and angle to us are essential for a new Sgr A* merger model:
Inspired by the merger between the Milky Way and the Gaia-Enceladus progenitor, which had a 4:1 mass ratio as inferred from Gaia data, we have discovered that a 4:1 major merger of a SMBH with a binary angular momentum inclination angle of 145–180° with respect to the line of sight can successfully replicate the measured spin properties of Sgr A*. This possible merger event in our Galaxy’s history provides potential observational support for the theory of hierarchical black hole mergers in the formation and growth of SMBHs. The inferred merger rate [is] ... consistent with theoretical predictions ...
Light follows the geometry of space-time exclusively.
The gravitational effect [vibratory structured matter with mass across a gradient of time-dilation]
can not be involved because light/EM has no resting mass to favor/linger at slower time strata.
The geometry of spacetime is what explains the light bending of Sun, as opposed to the old newtonian gravitation approximation you refer to which predicts only half of the observed bending. This is, or should be, well know historical facts:
Henry Cavendish in 1784 (in an unpublished manuscript) and Johann Georg von Soldner in 1801 (published in 1804) had pointed out that Newtonian gravity predicts that starlight will bend around a massive object.[19][20] The same value as Soldner's was calculated by Einstein in 1911 based on the equivalence principle alone. However, Einstein noted in 1915 in the process of completing general relativity, that his 1911 result (and thus Soldner's 1801 result) is only half of the correct value. Einstein became the first to calculate the correct value for light bending: 1.75 arcseconds for light that grazes the Sun.[21][22]

The first observation of light deflection was performed by noting the change in position of stars as they passed near the Sun on the celestial sphere. The observations were performed by Arthur Eddington and his collaborators (see Eddington experiment) during the total solar eclipse of May 29, 1919,[23] when the stars near the Sun (at that time in the constellation Taurus) could be observed.[23] Observations were made simultaneously in the cities of Sobral, Ceará, Brazil and in São Tomé and Príncipe on the west coast of Africa.[24] The result was considered spectacular news and made the front page of most major newspapers. It made Einstein and his theory of general relativity world-famous.

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