<br /><i><b>MUENSTER, Germany (dpa) ---scientist have announced the discover of the precise age of the moon, give or take 10 million years—it is 4,57 million years old and shows little sign of ageing.</b><br /><br />The date of formation, published Friday in the US journal Science, was about 30 million to 50 million years after the solar system, scientist from the universities of Muenster and Cologne in Germany and Oxford in England said.<br /><br />The date fits in with the contemporary theory of the moons origin: that an object the size of Mars collided with an earlier planet dubbed “ProtoEarth”, leaving a disc of waste matter in orbit that finally clumped together as the moon.<br /><br />The study suggest the moon initially had a surface of molten magma which cooled in a relatively quick 20 million years.<br />Moon rock has been changeless since, whereas earth rock has been repeatedly melted and reformed.<br />The oldest know rocks on earth are 500 million years younger than the planet itself, the University of Muenster said.<br />The moon’s birth date was derived from many fragments of rock brought back by the US Apollo landings on the moon. Past estimates could only date the moon to the first 100 million years of the solar system.<br />Led by University of Muenster scientist Thorsten Klein, the team checked how much of the substance wolfram 182 was in moon rock.<br />It is partly a product of radioactive Hafnium 182, so its presence can be used as a clock.</i><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>pain is inevitable</p><p>suffering is optional </p> </div>