The ancient Egyptian goddess of the sky and how I used modern astronomy to explore her link with the Milky Way

Feb 1, 2020
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How much area does a 200 ton pyramid block of granite have? Don't be ridiculous. How many forests would need to be flattened to make a raft big enough and strong enough to displace 200 tons of water carrying it . A gallon of water is 8.33 pounds. 400,000 pounds of water is 48,019 gallons. That's 11092389 cubic inches. Granite is 67.9936 pound per cubic foot. A 200 ton block is 5882 cu-ft. That's 18 foot in three dimensions. Your comment about an inch of water is troubling and I doubt it was serious.
You would need a barge about 100' x 65' in area sink down a foot to displace 200 tons of water.

That seems doable. What amazes me is that they could move a 200 ton block of granite across land and up ramps.

BTW, granite is about 2.6 times the density of water, so a cubic foot of granite weighs about 160 pounds.
I am only as serous and as troubling as the principle is. Increase the block area with a platform. A large platform. A barge perhaps. If you do add water depth, you may decrease the platform area. It's a trade. A ratio. My example needs lots of area, that's all.
I believe they have determined how the great pyramid was built. At least it satisfies me. I like it.

But how they moved those huge rectangular foundation blocks at other locations baffle me too. The only thing I can see is counter weights. But how did they move and set the counterweights? Unless they learned how to exchange big weight/small distance into little weight/long distance. OR visa versa. And repeat it. We are missing the pivot. The exchange point. The tool.
Feb 1, 2020
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You would need a barge about 100' x 65' in area sink down a foot to displace 200 tons of water.

That seems doable. What amazes me is that they could move a 200 ton block of granite across land and up ramps.

BTW, granite is about 2.6 times the density of water, so a cubic foot of granite weighs about 160 pounds.
How many wooden barges and wooden sleds would be needed to move 3 million, 200 ton blocks of granite to the job site in 20 years? Where would the lumber come from since there is a scarcity of forests in the Saraha? This whole assumption is ridiculous. I doubt the Egyptians had any part in building the pyramids based on the preceding and the FACT that there is not one single hieroglyph that mentions a pyramid.

How many Pharo mummies have been found in the pyramids? It is all know-it-all, PhD generated conjecture, supposition and theory with no basis in fact.


How many wooden barges and wooden sleds would be needed to move 3 million, 200 ton blocks of granite to the job site in 20 years? Where would the lumber come from since there is a scarcity of forests in the Saraha? This whole assumption is ridiculous. I doubt the Egyptians had any part in building the pyramids based on the preceding and the FACT that there is not one single hieroglyph that mentions a pyramid.

How many Pharo mummies have been found in the pyramids? It is all know-it-all, PhD generated conjecture, supposition and theory with no basis in fact.
So your theory of construction is what?
NHEngineer, as an engineer, you should be able to make the calculations needed to answer the questions you posed in your post.

BTW, where did you get the value of 200 tons for the largest stone block in the pyramids? A quick search turned up this , which says "The heaviest stone in the pyramids of Egypt is estimated to weigh around 80 tons." And this "The largest granite stones in the pyramid, found in the "King's" chamber, weigh 25 to 80 Tonnes and were transported from Aswan, more than 800 km (500 mi) away."

That link also says "there are larger blocks recorded in the associated ‘temples’ …where foundation stones have been reported at 100–200 tonnes. Reisner specifically reported that blocks in the ‘mortuary temple’ of Mycerinus at Giza weighed up to 220 tonnes. [cited by Edwards, Pyramids of Egypt, 149]"


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