Good Morning! I would like someone to comment , opine or discuss the following idea and, if possible, help to develop it or to disseminate it!
The article (with the address at the end) that has just been published, arguments that reinforce the proposal of Penrose (Nobel winner) about the existence of a cyclical universe!
Respecting Universal evolution: The part already tested by the Bigbang theory, or the inflation model, the presence of dark energy and the concept of entropy, the proposed article:
1. Consider the Universe, a maximum region bounded by the existence of mass and energy at every instant!
The whole existence: mass, energy and space between masses belonging to the Universe.
The space that is not found between masses is outside!
2. How to detect all existence at every instant, when expanding, the Universe does not do work, that is, it does not exchange energy with its exterior, because there will never be anything outside of it!
3. The variation of Universal volume generates variation and transformation of the types of energies existing in the others, but conserves the Total energy!
(Relativity allows the conservation of total energy in the following states: Static or with a non-flat tendency; read:
: authors: Michael Weiss and John Baez!
Which are the conditions for all Universal evolution in the article that follows!)
4. To start or end an expansion motion, it must be stopped (Static)! Thus, the entire Universe in its instants of maximum contraction and maximum expansion, when meeting for a static instant, can be represented by Total Energy (ET) or resting energy (Eo) = Mo x c ²
5. Any resting mass (Mo) has all of its binding energies (Potential gravitational energy: Eg; Internal kinetic energy of its components: Ek; and all of its atomic or quantum binding energies (Eq)) represented by (Eo ) = Mo x c ². (It is a unique way of associating gravity with quantum physics ).
6. With the total energy (ET) of the universe in its extreme instants of maximum contraction and maximum expansion are equal (law of conservation of energy) and the Universe needed instants, it must be at rest, We have: ET = Eg + Eq ( = 0) + Ek (= 0).
7. Right in a state before the start of the BigBang and at the end of the expansion, because it is static, the following internal interaction energies must be null: quantum energy (Eq (= 0)) and kinetic energy (Ek (= 0) ) The only energy that the Universe can have is the gravitational potential energy (in both states to conserve its energy). Thus, with the necessary presence of mass, the Universe can never contract or expand completely! Being cyclical (explanation in the article)!
8. To have great gravitational potential energy and conserve your total energy:
In a state of maximum expansion, the Universe has to be composed of the following mass of rest: two smaller ones separated by the largest possible space: one-dimensional.
In a state of maximum contraction, the universe has to be composed of 2 parts and a particle: One part completely one-dimensional (losing the ability to stay together, because it has no space to bend) and the other formed by the other massive part and the particle , configuring a smaller contraction or a second dimension! (When a part with a contraction becomes one-dimensional, it loses its binding property internally), so the particle moves in the direction of the other part, generating a centrifugation (Without the gravitational effect of a part, expansion begins. Soon after the expansion of the second part happens, we have the explanation of the current accelerated expansion (more detailed explanation in the figures)!
9. Lastly: the increase in entropy in expansion is "compensated" when the Universe passes from the 3rd dimension and returns to the 1st dimension in its instants of maximum contraction and expansion!
Next: the address of the article:
In English :ócrates_Georges_Petrakisw2Ie.pdf
In portuguese:
The article (with the address at the end) that has just been published, arguments that reinforce the proposal of Penrose (Nobel winner) about the existence of a cyclical universe!
Respecting Universal evolution: The part already tested by the Bigbang theory, or the inflation model, the presence of dark energy and the concept of entropy, the proposed article:
1. Consider the Universe, a maximum region bounded by the existence of mass and energy at every instant!
The whole existence: mass, energy and space between masses belonging to the Universe.
The space that is not found between masses is outside!
2. How to detect all existence at every instant, when expanding, the Universe does not do work, that is, it does not exchange energy with its exterior, because there will never be anything outside of it!
3. The variation of Universal volume generates variation and transformation of the types of energies existing in the others, but conserves the Total energy!
(Relativity allows the conservation of total energy in the following states: Static or with a non-flat tendency; read:
: authors: Michael Weiss and John Baez!
Which are the conditions for all Universal evolution in the article that follows!)
4. To start or end an expansion motion, it must be stopped (Static)! Thus, the entire Universe in its instants of maximum contraction and maximum expansion, when meeting for a static instant, can be represented by Total Energy (ET) or resting energy (Eo) = Mo x c ²
5. Any resting mass (Mo) has all of its binding energies (Potential gravitational energy: Eg; Internal kinetic energy of its components: Ek; and all of its atomic or quantum binding energies (Eq)) represented by (Eo ) = Mo x c ². (It is a unique way of associating gravity with quantum physics ).
6. With the total energy (ET) of the universe in its extreme instants of maximum contraction and maximum expansion are equal (law of conservation of energy) and the Universe needed instants, it must be at rest, We have: ET = Eg + Eq ( = 0) + Ek (= 0).
7. Right in a state before the start of the BigBang and at the end of the expansion, because it is static, the following internal interaction energies must be null: quantum energy (Eq (= 0)) and kinetic energy (Ek (= 0) ) The only energy that the Universe can have is the gravitational potential energy (in both states to conserve its energy). Thus, with the necessary presence of mass, the Universe can never contract or expand completely! Being cyclical (explanation in the article)!
8. To have great gravitational potential energy and conserve your total energy:
In a state of maximum expansion, the Universe has to be composed of the following mass of rest: two smaller ones separated by the largest possible space: one-dimensional.
In a state of maximum contraction, the universe has to be composed of 2 parts and a particle: One part completely one-dimensional (losing the ability to stay together, because it has no space to bend) and the other formed by the other massive part and the particle , configuring a smaller contraction or a second dimension! (When a part with a contraction becomes one-dimensional, it loses its binding property internally), so the particle moves in the direction of the other part, generating a centrifugation (Without the gravitational effect of a part, expansion begins. Soon after the expansion of the second part happens, we have the explanation of the current accelerated expansion (more detailed explanation in the figures)!
9. Lastly: the increase in entropy in expansion is "compensated" when the Universe passes from the 3rd dimension and returns to the 1st dimension in its instants of maximum contraction and expansion!
Next: the address of the article:
In English :ócrates_Georges_Petrakisw2Ie.pdf
In portuguese: