gNr- You've got most of it down. If i had to rephrase it, it would be like this: "There are better ways to use Zubrin's 46.2 tonnes to Mars." <br /><br />My main attraction to the Sundancer/Soyuz stack is availability. Soyuz exists now, Sundancer is almost guaranteed to fly. I screwed up the Soyuz numbers, too, as you pointed out (900 km/s? I must have been sleep-typing). Anyway, one is off-the-shelf and the other is almost ready. My off-the-cuff answer to delta-V shortfalls is to use Fregat upper stages. I agree that we need another thrust stage for the return trip. <br /><br />I was assuming the ascent vehicle (originally the ERV) could provide some of the push to Earth, then place itself in a highly elliptical Mars orbit, aerobrakes and deorbits to be a "Hopper". If the Mars ascent vehicle needs to be brought all the way back to Earth, I'd consider ditching the Soyuz (alt, you could spin them...) <br /><br />The reason I keep bringing up a separate ascent vehicle is that leaving it in cis-Mars space gives yet another backup for future crews. It provides a second vehicle at the base to be used for exploration, emergency ascent, storage or a second propellant-factory. Give it 4 - 5 tons total and call it Dragon?<br /><br />If you had to bring the ERV back to Earth, could it and Sundancer do a free-return to Mars or someplace useful? Aerobrake with the capsule, then enter HEEO? Thoughts? <br /><br />Any "cruise" stages (TMI, TEI, etc "EDS") could be used as spin-gravity counterweights. <br /><br />Generally, you might be right about not needing an entire Soyuz. However, that assumes that Soyuz separates from Sundancer within "potty break" time, as the Orbital MOdule has the toilet. The service module is probably necessary for long-term storage. You might be able to cut it down some, mass-wise, but it is pretty much an integrated unit. <br /><br />Zubrin's fear of orbital docking/assembly stems from the ISS, I think. If we can't do orbital rendezvous at Mars, we aren't going anywh <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div align="center"><em>We need a first generation of pioneers.</em><br /></div> </div>