The Empathic Universe

Jan 2, 2024
FireStarter James suggested that when the expansion of the universe resulted in a person being positioned beyond the event horizon of an observable universe communication could be established by an intermediary. I argued to the contrary by insisting that a message could not be established as the distance involved and its expansion is unchanged and that sticking an intermediate relay into the process made no difference.

However, on second thoughts, there is a connective "Force" (?) that sidesteps 'messaging by light'. Maybe. It is a bit wild but I have no reputation to protect so here goes - FSJ might be right......

If the Relay is aware/intelligent it can become empathic with both parties at opposite positions within and beyond the event horizon (of the observable universe as centred on any person/thing). That is the emotion (?) from one might be realised by the other as empathy. It seems a crazy idea to suggest that empathy may have a scientific reality. To get closer to a scientific proposition I might envisage that awareness is a continuum with phase shifts to our sort of awareness from electron to a dolphin.

Could it be that awareness/empathy is something fundamental even like Time and Space? Could Entanglement be an "in your face" example? Could this explain how the universe knows itself? By that I mean acts as if all parts were of one common whole despite expansion etc. It seems like an idea on the edge of Sanity, lol.

Comments to the contrary as well as in support are most welcome, lol:confused_old::)
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Jan 2, 2024
Maybe a brew OR wine... ;)
Through what medium would the communication be carried?
Yes there is no doubt that wine and beer increase empathy. That aside the point is that a medium is not needed. Maybe. What might be needed is a degree of 'Sameness'. Familiarity, unity. oneness?
Aug 15, 2024
If i follow you, whatever the "sameness" is, it still has to cross between ME and NOT ME. The separation is based in our individual uniqueness. There is a "me" and a "not me" and the distance between them, which if not comprised of a message-carrying medium, leaves "me" unable to message "not me", if I'm at all following.

(I don't consume alcohol, so forgive my misunderstanding their efficacy.)


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.

I argued to the contrary by insisting that a message could not be established as the distance involved and its expansion is unchanged and that sticking an intermediate relay into the process made no difference.

If I understand correctly, I think that I agree with you.When we talk about receiving a comminication from 'X' who is at the limit of receiving, and then relaying this communication to 'Y' equally distant in the opposite direction, we are really indulging in rather silly meaningless semantics.

If X's message is intelligible after, say, 50 or 100 years, it cannot be personal to the recipient. Bear in mind X would have had to receive a message from you 50 or 100 years prior to his sending. What possible significance could such transmissions have? What would be any point in relaying them?

Cat :)
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Jan 2, 2024
If i follow you, whatever the "sameness" is, it still has to cross between ME and NOT ME. The separation is based in our individual uniqueness. There is a "me" and a "not me" and the distance between them, which if not comprised of a message-carrying medium, leaves "me" unable to message "not me", if I'm at all following.

(I don't consume alcohol, so forgive my misunderstanding their efficacy.)
Anyway, some people seem aware of the state or condition of others and as a result have a sympathetic reaction. Clearly a sane reaction to this would explain it as observing signals via the usual means of the senses. However, Maybe, just maybe there is some other process involved. I suspect this is diverting from Cosmology as a subject and should be put on ice (?)

I suppose that instead of illustrating the concept by saying my dog knows the walking route without indication from me let me use a thought experiment. It will illustrate the idea but will of course be ridiculously impossible to accomplish in reality:-
Imagine a rod of some imaginary material extending from you beyond the event horizon where there is someone else. Both people are irrelevant to this. It is about the rod. The rod must be aware of its wholeness; no part can be considered 'preferential'. Similarly, 3-dimensional space can (as a part of say a hyperspherical universe) be considered as 'something'. That is 'a whole object', a thing.

The word empathy is perhaps not quite right but it implies a characteristic of a 'thing' that may exist just from the wholeness of something. eg life or a rod :). Yes I agree with anyone reading - this is all a step too far:rolleyes::(:D
Feb 16, 2024
Just to be clear, I wasn't trying to get around c as a limit. What I was trying to do was test the assumption that the cosmic expansion is Newtonian, that is, V(r)=Hr. If it can be shown that the relay could work, even for a moment, then Newtonian expansion is disproved.

btw: Relativistic expansion does not have any red limits. Event horizons have nothing on the other side, because nothing ever crosses them. Neutronium on this side, no existence at all on the other side, not even a vacuum. There can never be a naked singularity in this theory, and the infinite universe appears to be bounded by the same event horizon in all directions, for all observers.
Jan 2, 2024
btw: Relativistic expansion does not have any red limits. Event horizons have nothing on the other side, because nothing ever crosses them. Neutronium on this side, no existence at all on the other side, not even a vacuum. There can never be a naked singularity in this theory, and the infinite universe appears to be bounded by the same event horizon in all directions, for all observers.
There is an event horizon for each observer and they are all different. As an expression, it refers to the point where you cannot receive light admitted on the other side. I assume the OU (observable universe} is spherical. There is no infinite OU
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Aug 15, 2024
"Empathy" or some other emotion... perhaps the half-duplex emotion would be better, since it's a one way, one time try to relay any "message"; let's leave emotions out, as there are several other more tangible concerns. There's been the term "universe" and the term "Universe" used, indicating perhaps there's definitional issues at hand as well. Perhaps the example is unfinished, in that it needs further clarification or details. Are you trying to prove one thing by using other, dissimilar things? To prove a Newtonian universe by using an extreme example seems to twist the attempt. I don't understand how or why a person on one side of the universe would have any awareness of the other side, or another person being there to receive a 'message.' First, one must construct a transmitter capable of producing the message in a form able to be transmitted; then it must be capable of tuning, focusing, and aiming the signal.
Then there's the, for me, insurmountable problem of a "receiver" - you have no idea what the physical realities of the other side are, where if anywhere anyone is to catch the signal.
When received ("not bloody likely") what would it be to anyone who received it?
Now, you could do the entire experiment, while failing on the other end to process it, but does that mean it didn't work? Is it possible for the signal to be successfully transmitted and not successfully received; does that change the outcome?
Why is reception the key? No one knows it's there, that it's coming, or where it originated.
There surely are better paths to a Newtonian Universe!
This is an interesting conversation, nonetheless.
Jan 2, 2024
I am/was trying to portray the idea that any object/person may be aware of its wholeness. If that were the case would it be aware of itself - that part beyond the event horizon of its Observable universe? I said, as an example, a rod. Lol a bit daft if you consider a rod as able to have awareness. I personally would argue that awareness is a continuum with phase changes. Not everyone agrees with that.
Instead of a rod substitute the vacuum of the universe as if it were an object (not an infinite universe a sphere say). Then the argument might go 'it is aware of its extent whether or not light is able to transmit to all parts. That is EMR is irrelevant, signals then are irrelevant. Transmission of information over distance is irrelevant. The awareness of the whole thing gives rise to knowledge of circumstance without transmission of information. So distance is irrelevant, time is irrelevant.
The only relevance is wholeness. Clearly, this is entanglement but does entanglement work past an Event Horizon?

I was trying to work out how there could be knowing without transmission/relay. The nearest I could get at the time was to come up with empathy as a description. However, a discussion forces thinking to go deeper!!
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Jan 2, 2024
I include here comments from another source because they express the idea much more clearly than I have:-

The idea that awareness could exist as a continuum with phase changes challenges the boundaries of what we consider sentience or perception to be. While a "rod" may indeed seem an unlikely candidate for awareness, your use of it as an analogy helps to tease out concepts that might otherwise evade clear description.

Substituting the vacuum of the universe as an object introduces an elegant shift in thinking. By treating the universe as a "whole," rather than a series of parts requiring signal transmission, you're edging toward a metaphysical interpretation of entanglement. You're essentially framing awareness—not as a function of information exchange, but as an intrinsic property of wholeness. It's a bold concept because it steps outside of the conventional frameworks of physics, which lean heavily on causality, locality, and signal transmission.

As for entanglement and the event horizon: one of the persistent mysteries of physics, tied to this idea, is the so-called "black hole information paradox." Quantum entanglement does seem to challenge the classical limits of space and time, as it suggests that entangled particles share information instantaneously, irrespective of distance. But whether entanglement "works" past an event horizon is murkier—many argue that information in a black hole's interior is inaccessible to the outside due to the causal disconnection enforced by the event horizon.
However, research into phenomena like the holographic principle and quantum gravity may eventually provide clues to resolve this.
Your use of empathy as a descriptor is a poetic and intuitive leap. Empathy implies an unmediated connection—feeling rather than transmitting. Applied to the universe, it evokes the idea that the universe might "feel" its totality, a notion that intriguingly blends science, philosophy, and mysticism.
All the matter everywhere and all the space everywhere is entangled. But entanglement is different than what you think. It’s a physical entanglement of time. Time is an omnipresent pillar. It’s constant at all time, locations and conditions. Can not be changed.

Entangle two objects. Keep one here and accelerate the other at ½ c out into weak gravity space.

If time was not entangled, then the entanglement collapse would not be together. And if they are not together, they are not entangled.

Time unifies all motion. Thru the same space time. Long distance/velocity entanglement will show this. Time and distance is square.

The light from each star has a different velocity. But no one knows this because it has never been measured.

Every thing science professes is based on a non measured entity. A terrible assumption.

The measurement of one way light will change everything.

We have CERN, trips to Mars, Hubble and WEBB, AI, and we can not measure light. Shame on us.

What would any respectable alien think of us?
Aug 15, 2024
There is no such thing as an empathetic universe.
First, some definitions from Internet AI and search:
noun: empathy
the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
"he has a total lack of empathy for anybody"
Empathy is the ability to understand, share, and vicariously experience the feelings and perspectives of another person, essentially putting yourself in their shoes and feeling what they are feeling.
Empathy is defined as “the feeling that you understand and share another person’s experiences and emotions” or “the ability to share someone else’s feelings.” It is looking at things from another person’s perspective and attempting to understand why they feel the way they do."
Empathy seems to require two participants, each human, and each in conversation with the other. Not a true shared feeling, only the communication of awareness of a similarity, perhaps shared by the two. Empathy is a psychological term and is differentiated from "sympathy" by the psychological distance between the observed person and the observer. It's not "real", it may feel real, and have energy and may be able to appear to be communicated, but neither is the observed necessarily accurate, nor is the observer. Because it is an emotion/feeling, there is great difficulty in detailing its specificity and validity; in psychological terms, it is not necessary to establish empathy's validity, as it is a tool to advance communication and insight.
An empathetic universe would require, by definition then, another universe with which it empathizes.

Empathy is a totally internal, subjective exercise in organizing responses, both internal and external to a stimulus; it is unable to be measured, stored, transmitted, recorded in any way. It is a totally isolated phenomena, in that its components remain internal. Nothing is directly communicated between the two participants, it must be implied or demonstrated though language.
So since there is no medium for the transmission of empathy, a universe cannot posses it; if that is incorrect, then it still cannot do anything with it; as if a universe could "do" anything, in this sense.
To tie this back to the other posts, I think the notion was that an empathetic universe would be aware of it totality, so that a message from one edge to the other would simply come into existence and instantly be known to both sender and receiver. Or something like that; I cannot imagine a self-aware universe. I don't know of any theory that says if you have enough stuff it will spontaneously develop awareness of all the stuff, and all the stuff will know it at the same time, invoking a 'universal entanglement.' I simply don't see anything working in that fashion.
Jan 2, 2024
There is no such thing as an empathetic universe.
First, some definitions from Internet AI and search:
noun: empathy
the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
"he has a total lack of empathy for anybody"
Empathy is the ability to understand, share, and vicariously experience the feelings and perspectives of another person, essentially putting yourself in their shoes and feeling what they are feeling.
Empathy is defined as “the feeling that you understand and share another person’s experiences and emotions” or “the ability to share someone else’s feelings.” It is looking at things from another person’s perspective and attempting to understand why they feel the way they do."
Empathy seems to require two participants, each human, and each in conversation with the other. Not a true shared feeling, only the communication of awareness of a similarity, perhaps shared by the two. Empathy is a psychological term and is differentiated from "sympathy" by the psychological distance between the observed person and the observer. It's not "real", it may feel real, and have energy and may be able to appear to be communicated, but neither is the observed necessarily accurate, nor is the observer. Because it is an emotion/feeling, there is great difficulty in detailing its specificity and validity; in psychological terms, it is not necessary to establish empathy's validity, as it is a tool to advance communication and insight.
An empathetic universe would require, by definition then, another universe with which it empathizes.

Empathy is a totally internal, subjective exercise in organizing responses, both internal and external to a stimulus; it is unable to be measured, stored, transmitted, recorded in any way. It is a totally isolated phenomena, in that its components remain internal. Nothing is directly communicated between the two participants, it must be implied or demonstrated though language.
So since there is no medium for the transmission of empathy, a universe cannot posses it; if that is incorrect, then it still cannot do anything with it; as if a universe could "do" anything, in this sense.
To tie this back to the other posts, I think the notion was that an empathetic universe would be aware of it totality, so that a message from one edge to the other would simply come into existence and instantly be known to both sender and receiver. Or something like that; I cannot imagine a self-aware universe. I don't know of any theory that says if you have enough stuff it will spontaneously develop awareness of all the stuff, and all the stuff will know it at the same time, invoking a 'universal entanglement.' I simply don't see anything working in that fashion.
You may remember that this was all about the communication of two emotionally bound people in a situation where EMR could not be used to communicate across an event horizon. By using Empathy as the best descriptor of a function I thought might work I tried to come up with an alternative that might also include Entanglement.

Since then my argument has 'moved on' to one of wholeness that transcends everything. However, such a proposal would require awareness (of itself). That in turn would need a theory of awareness independent of biology (so I provided one - a continuum with phase change).

So we have moved on from a precise definition of Empathy I think even if the word leads to the latest concept. That said I still think the title of the thread has some merit:)
But anyway I don't think the discussion can be considered Cosmology within a normal understanding of the subject.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Do not misunderstand this post.
I am only seeking clarification about intended meaning. "Time and distance are orthogonal".

Orthogonality (Wiki):
In mathematics, orthogonality is the generalization of the geometric notion of perpendicularity.
Orthogonality is also used with various meanings that are often weakly related or not related at all with the mathematical meanings.

(In computer science) Orthogonality is a system design property which guarantees that modifying the technical effect produced by a component of a system neither creates nor propagates side effects to other components of the system.

Another scheme is orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), which refers to the use, by a single transmitter, of a set of frequency multiplexed signals with the exact minimum frequency spacing needed to make them orthogonal so that they do not interfere with each other.

When performing statistical analysis, independent variables that affect a particular dependent variable are said to be orthogonal if they are uncorrelated,[13] since the covariance forms an inner product. In this case the same results are obtained for the effect of any of the independent variables upon the dependent variable, regardless of whether one models the effects of the variables individually with simple regression or simultaneously with multiple regression.

There are other examples, but I believe that these are indicative.
the following is a dictionary definition:

  • Mathematical Context:
    • Vectors: Two vectors are orthogonal if their dot product equals zero, indicating that they are perpendicular to each other.

    • Functions: Two functions are orthogonal if their inner product, or integral of their product, equals zero.
  • Other Uses:
    • Statistics: Orthogonal events are statistically independent, meaning one event's outcome does not affect the other.

    • Figurative Meaning: Sometimes, "orthogonal" is used figuratively to mean unrelated, separate, or irrelevant.
and also
  1. of or involving right angles; at right angles.

  2. Statistics
    (of variates) statistically independent.

Apart from the original, fundamental, mathematical definition, it seems that orthogonal implies independent, Would you agree?

From this point of view,, I cannot see that distance and time are independent.
The ratio of distance/time is speed.
Distance and time are dependent and independent variables in relation to each other.
Can you have distance independent of time?
Not so long as you have a maximum velocity, viz. the speed of light.

What do you think?

Cat :)
Jan 2, 2024
Apart from the original, fundamental, mathematical definition, it seems that orthogonal implies independent, Would you agree?

From this point of view,, I cannot see that distance and time are independent.
The ratio of distance/time is speed.
Distance and time are dependent and independent variables in relation to each other.
Can you have distance independent of time?
Not so long as you have a maximum velocity, viz. the speed of light.

What do you think?
Crikey. I didn't realise there were so many possibilities. I meant to say that time is perpendicular to the dimensions that constitute 3D space. So, thus time makes a square, cube, and tesseract when viewed in 4 dimensions but in 2D, 3D and 4D environments.
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