It started with the steam engine but applies to the universe too!
The first law of thermodynamics: What is it? : Read more
The first law of thermodynamics: What is it? : Read more
It started with the steam engine but applies to the universe too!
The first law of thermodynamics: What is it? : Read more
Can you share those calculations with us?
Thank you so much, both for your reply and for your consideration. This kind of logical reasoning is what has won quantum mechanics universal admiration and acclaim. The reasoning is based on pure logic, on past experiential data and on experimental evidence. Therefore, although the mathematics involved might be insignificant compared to the vastly complicated scenario of imaginary numbers and their statistical use; on an everyday level this result could be considered to be more satisfying. Calculate the total energy available for transmission, calculate the energy of the transmission wave. Divide the former by the latter to get the total number of photons available. Then use the inverse square law that is tried and time tested to calculate the area over which the transmission is received, divide the former by the latter. Put in a few extra factors such as the antenna diameter (which I didn’t do) and there is your answer: the most probable signal strength.Thank you for your reply. Here is another way of looking at it:
You might check to see if you forgot to convert that angle to radians (not degrees) to calculate that area.A 70 meter dish has an area of 3.8x10^3 m^2 and can intercept 1.2x10-13 parts of the incident beam.
Odd that when I used Excel and did not convert to radians I thought I got your result, but I'm elsewhere now...I did the work in degrees, not radians.
Check your 155AU conversion into meters.The beam is .5°. Tangent .5° is .0087. Take that times the distance, which is 2.3x10^10 meters and you get a circle of diameter 200 million meters. Area of that is 3.2x10^16 m^2. A 70 meter dish has an area of 3850 m^2 which is 1.2x10^-13 parts of the incident beam.
Yes, one AU is 150 million kilometers, not meters. Thank you for finding this error. The portion of the incident beam intercepted by the DSN antenna is thus 1.2x10^-16 of the 4x10^24 photons emitted by the transmitter or 4.8x10^8 photons per second. Each photon has 5.5x10-24 J of energy giving a power of 2.5x10-15 Watt. Jzz claims 1x10-10 Watt so we are now off from each other by a factor of 40,000.