The FTL Accelerating Expansion of the Universe is Always Backward in Time!

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Oct 25, 2024
Not in agreement here - time is always positive. I suggest time is a process and not a dimension. Negative time, where applied is about direction i.e. a positive process in the opposite direction. NB all in 4D SPATIAL dimensional space. The 3D spatial awareness that we have - the Macro universe - is movement in the 4th spatial dimension. This movement is the thing we call time.

The point is that movement is positive. I suggest that UNmovement is difficult to conceive without adding another spatial dimension. Our reality seems to be four-dimensional. How compatible with GR is this idea (GR being a well-proven framework)?
I have to agree that time is always positive. Cause proceeds effect. Yes, we can see back in time over great distances, but that past time is still flowing in a positive direction. Effect never precedes cause.
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