This phenomenon may have happened in
two ways:
A) The discovered galaxy could be real
B) The discovered galaxy could be virtual
A) The discovered galaxy could be real: The first stage of forming a galaxy is the formation of a black hole. After that, other celestial objects revolve around it. The Discovery of a large galaxy indicates the existence of a large black hole at its center. However, all we know is that after the death, a large enough star can turn into a black hole with high density. This is because there is enough pressure and energy wothin the star to produce a black hole.
On the other hand, the initial sphere of the universe at the Big Bang was extremely dense, with about 10^42 (Kg/m^3) density, and an extremely high energy. When a large star dies, it can produce a black hole, and the initial sphere of the universe at the Big Bang had a much higher pressure and energy level, which undoubtedly can produce a larger black hole than the death of a star. So, the central black hole of this galaxy could be formed at the moment of the Big Bang. Moreover, since this black hole is an initial black hole, there was enough time for the growth and formation of a large galaxy.
B) The discovered galaxy could be virtual: As we know, the existence of velocity causes a shift in frequency or the same redshift and blueshift. Therefore the amount of shift in frequency is dependent on velocity. On the other hand, according to Hubble's law, a greater distance means a higher velocity. Considering the distance of this galaxy, its velocity will be so high. Therefore, the frequency shift of this galaxy is so high and causes a shift from range of visible light frequencies to radio waves, X-rays, or vice versa (which we call high-shift and low-shift). This galaxy could be virtual, meaning that the phenomenon of high-shift or low-shift may have had an effect on it and caused the creation of a celestial mirage.
The details of the both A and B have been published.
At the end, we must say that the best way to prevent such ambiguities is to build telescopes whose sensors operate based on wavelength rather than frequency.
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With best regards,
Gh. Saleh