I have a question about the moon. Since there is evidence of volcanic activity on the moon. It made me wonder if the moon had a giant explosion like mt st Helen’s, would rock escape the moons gravity and fall to earth?
I have theorized that obsidian like rock might be hurled towards earth along with how ever much steam is generated by underground ocean that is there due to the magma generating steam from the sheer weight of the moon.
I only have free time so I was thinking some advanced rail guns should operate just fine in orbit. If we had various size and speed objects we could break up rocks before they enter the atmosphere. I also think a one hundred barrel rail gun that can all aim at one point at the same time or spread out will be effective for asteroid blasting. Boo yah
As for the potential water that will be spewed out generated from the heat of the core of the moon. I have theorized getting to the moon and venting some steam or even water will release pressure. If we can start to drain the underground ocean then there will be more room for the steam to accumulate that is generated by the core.
A cool dual purpose for the possible moon. Perhaps we could install a large valve in a hole leading to the ocean with the valve closed drill down to the ocean if it’s there.
If there is pressure in the moon that flooded the earth before then with technology maybe we could make it rain x amount by releasing a certain amount of water and steam into the air from the possible accumulation of steam
It would save farm lands a lot of money if you could do a light shower at 5 pm everyday that is my new idea for making it rain. If the moon has pressure build up of steam then maybe we can blast it in the direction of earth for a forecasted rainfall.
This is a fun sci fi what if.. stones add up to too much stones and create wild magma
For example Triton neptunes largest moon has a geyser that can erupt to up to a year at a time. I theorize if that were to happen to our moon it would cause a flood.
I know the moons compositions are different but I for one believe in the underground ocean we will probably learn most celestial bodies have due to the heat of the core generating water vapor from melting soil and chemicals in each celestial body. If not water vapor than some form of liquid ocean due to steam.
How we could estimate the next eruption is by going to an old or possibly dormant volcano on the moon. We should take samples in the crater and a control outside the crater. If more water is present where the eruption would have happened we can assume there is water that came out there more recent than the control. Then if more water or any evidence of an eruption is there. We can use that sample to simulate how many years the crater soil would take to reach the control soil. Water may not be the answer it could be calcium or a by product of steam and moon rock.
Just theorizing again. This might be my last post I kinda lost the fun in asking why. I’m sure I’ll cheer up tho