The most advanced private space company of the recent time

Oct 23, 2020
Nowadays, private space company really succeeded and manufactures pretty good technology and space vehicle. What do you think is the most advanced private space company ( except Space X ) at the present time?
Feb 11, 2021
I want to mention Dragonfly Aerospace here. It doesn't produce space vehicles but can boast high-resolution imagers for satellites. Payload is equally important as vehicles, that's why I decided to tell you about this company.
May 25, 2021
Hanson Robotics, which does work with NASA on AI and other systems. Related to Space. Boston Dynamics is another one, used in our probes,drones and rovers. Along with our military, on building an Automaton for many differant applications.

Something akin to this
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Apr 23, 2021
Lockheed-Martin: They have contributed to almost every space project in the past and are the prime contractor for NASA's Orion spacecraft. If we're talking about one of the start-ups thats a bit tougher for me it would be close with Sierra Nevada ,Virgin Galactic, Blue Origins and Rocket lab-all of this is of coarse excluding Space X
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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
I think Amazon's Blue Origin can also be considered a leading private Space Exploration company. It recently announced that it's planning to send Jeff Bezos and his brother to space.
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Oct 23, 2020
I`d like to say a few words about Blue Origin. It is a great private space company. This company may be going slower than SpaceX, but its success to failure ratio is unmatched. Of course, it`s not so advanced like Space X and does not so well in the space exploration area but still, Blue Origin has great spacecrafts and concepts that worth attention.
May 25, 2021
Could you imagine what we could accomplish if all these space companies worked together on a project? It may come down to that one day. Heck, if the entire would be involved. Like in The Martian.
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Feb 11, 2021
Could you imagine what we could accomplish if all these space companies worked together on a project? It may come down to that one day. Heck, if the entire would be involved. Like in The Martian.
It's one of my biggest dreams. And the companies mentioned here aren't all existing and successful space endeavors. I would be glad to see that these companies stopped trying to outrun each other and work on the common project.
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May 25, 2021
It's one of my biggest dreams. And the companies mentioned here aren't all existing and successful space endeavors. I would be glad to see that these companies stopped trying to outrun each other and work on the common project.

That would be Red Planet, the entire world built that ship.
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Jun 1, 2021
It's one of my biggest dreams. And the companies mentioned here aren't all existing and successful space endeavors. I would be glad to see that these companies stopped trying to outrun each other and work on the common project.
You have a great dream but I don't think we or our children will see that - it is like dream about world peace, no poor or at least hungry people, everyone happy... It is sad but what can we do? Still, I have heard about some collobarations of NASA and ESA. It gives hope that in future there can be more cooperation, including small private companies.
Feb 11, 2021
You have a great dream but I don't think we or our children will see that - it is like dream about world peace, no poor or at least hungry people, everyone happy... It is sad but what can we do? Still, I have heard about some collobarations of NASA and ESA. It gives hope that in future there can be more cooperation, including small private companies.
Yeah, the cooperation between small private companies is more widespread than between the giants of the aerospace industry, The company I've mentioned in my reply cooperated with Loft Orbital, Pixxel, EOS Data Analytics. And a lot of collaborations will occur in the future I think.
Oct 23, 2020
I don`t think that the cooperation of the mentioned here space companies is possible. At least at that moment. First of all, these companies have different purposes in general. Probably cooperation of some small private space companies can be a good idea in the development of some projects


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Just in case it might be relevant.

Cat :)
May 25, 2021
Cosmic Shielding Corporation
Bigelow Aerospace

There are many more, either actively going into space or contracting out to company's who are, or intend to. No one mentioned Lockheed Martin, they have been around for a Long time.
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Apr 3, 2020
May 25, 2021
If you type in Space Company's, you will get an entire list of them. And an explanation of what it is they do. 95% of them are private company's? Only two of them are government owned. NASA and Roscosmos which is Russian.
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Apr 23, 2021
I mentioned Lockheed-Martin . They have been there from the earliest days of spaceflight starting with the Titian II rocket, a modified ICBM that launched the Gemini capsules in the mid 1960s and they also manufactured the external tank for the Space Shuttles (Although they may have been known as Martin-Marietta then) they were also to be the prime contractor on a project know as "Venture Star" which was to be a single stage to orbit space plane, unfortunately that project was scraped before it ever got off the ground- Now they are the prime contractor for Orion. If I had to pick a single private company that has contributed the most to spaceflight, Lockheed-Martin would be my choice.
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Apr 23, 2021
I`d like to say a few words about Blue Origin. It is a great private space company. This company may be going slower than SpaceX, but its success to failure ratio is unmatched. Of course, it`s not so advanced like Space X and does not so well in the space exploration area but still, Blue Origin has great spacecrafts and concepts that worth attention.
Blue Origin is very innovative for sure. Right now they are focusing on making sub orbital spaceflights with "New Shepard" but when they get their "New Glenn " rocket up and running they should be right in there with Space X in commercial spaceflight.
Apr 23, 2021
Bell built the rocket plane that Yeager flew in when he broke the sound barrier. That was a major advance towards flight. We don't hear much about Bell anymore.
Yes this is true Thank You for pointing that out .I had always associated Bell with helicopters but you're right they built "Glamourous Glennis" Chuck Yeager's rocket plane.
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