the relativistic anomalies between space-time invariance, gravitation and the speed of light

If black holes exist , then space-time can be compressed !
If the metric expansion of our universe is really happening then space -time can be stretched !
If the above statements are true, then space-time separations are actually variables, meaning that space time invariance shouldn't be true, but the speed of light being a constant for all observers regardless off their own velocity through space-time disproves that.
Where does the fact that the faster an observer traverses space-time the less time they will experience, fit into this seeming can of worms? I really would like to exchange notes on this topic , if anyone is interested in doing so.
Aug 7, 2024
Who is to say that we aren't all going the speed of light. And, in fact, we probably are going the speed of light relative to something in the universe.

If that is true, then we are violating at least one law of physics. We should be energy, right?

Are we energy?

If we are going light speed (referencing what you've stated above) we should experience zero time. Is that what is going on? Is this what zero "time" feels like?
Apr 23, 2024
Who is to say that we aren't all going the speed of light. And, in fact, we probably are going the speed of light relative to something in the universe.

If that is true, then we are violating at least one law of physics. We should be energy, right?

Are we energy?

If we are going light speed (referencing what you've stated above) we should experience zero time. Is that what is going on? Is this what zero "time" feels like?
No, we are travelling at a few miles per second relative to our sun and a few tens of miles per second only relative to stars near us. Apart from light and other EM radiation plus 'cosmic rays' which travel at or near light speed, everything else potters around at a modest speed. And, no, we are not energy, just clever bits of matter!
Aug 7, 2024
No, we are travelling at a few miles per second relative to our sun and a few tens of miles per second only relative to stars near us. Apart from light and other EM radiation plus 'cosmic rays' which travel at or near light speed, everything else potters around at a modest speed. And, no, we are not energy, just clever bits of matter!
What about relative to the countless galaxies that may or may not exist just beyond what we can see in the observable universe?


Aug 14, 2020
Who is to say that we aren't all going the speed of light. And, in fact, we probably are going the speed of light relative to something in the universe.

If that is true, then we are violating at least one law of physics. We should be energy, right?

Are we energy?

If we are going light speed (referencing what you've stated above) we should experience zero time. Is that what is going on? Is this what zero "time" feels like?
You hit upon photo-frame stillness and it is increasingly observational as such "at a distance" (a" spooky action at a distance" -- Albert Einstein) at far and ever farther distances:

Who is to say that we aren't all going the speed of light. And, in fact, we probably are going the speed of light relative to something in the universe.

If that is true, then we are violating at least one law of physics. We should be energy, right?

Are we energy?

If we are going light speed (referencing what you've stated above) we should experience zero time. Is that what is going on? Is this what zero "time" feels like?
our galaxy should certainly be receding from extremely distant galaxies in the "reality" of a possible observer located within an extremely distant galaxy, However it is unlikely that any possible observer would actually be able to observe our galaxy under such a circumstance.

It seems to me that our reality is a multifaceted phenomenon, which is governed by more than one set of rules.
Space and time or, more correctly distance and time, form a continuum, within which two simple separations have an unbreakable ratio of 186,000 miles being equal to 1 second of time. to visualise this draw a straight line of any length, on a piece of paper, and divide it into 186 increments along one side of it , and 100 increments along the opposite side. This gives you a relativistic distance to time or time to distance converter. bisect the line at any point along its length and from that point you can read off the proportion of a light second ,in 1/100ths of second and the corresponding distance in 1,000 mile increments that light takes to traverse the indicated distance. If you then place that paper at a suitable distance, from which you can view it through a telescope, you can zoom in, or zoom out on the scale , and although the size of the image as observed through the eyepiece appears to increase or decrease the ratio of space (distance) to time on the scale remains constant. That's Relativity.
I think light has fooled us about relativity. For me relativity is simply the change in observation and measurement with distance, angle and speed. Not changes in reality. Only the view and measurement of it. We learn this in infancy tracking objects. Size changes with distance, motion changes with angle.

The reaction of mass is necessary for a measurement. Reaction takes time and direction. And generates temperature. Reaction has rate. This rate will interfere, mix and blur incoming fast rates. Or changing rates. Light rates.

This can distort the measured rate. In a proportional rate manner. Reactance. It’s not a measured reality. It’s measurement error.

Mass measurement reactance. And includes anything electrical.

Not to mention that light is a flux. A shower of intermittent fields. A superposition EM field shower.

Just a personal observation.

Even with perfect non reactive measurements, distance, angle and speed will still change those measurements. And the view. But not reality.

But with an error free measurement, the true reality can be determined with any distance, angle and speed measurement.

Which probably makes no sense for many. In other words, it can be done, just not the way we are currently doing it.

Relativity. Our unmovable stump.
Space and time are non physical relativistic phenomena, and their relativistic effect on our everyday material reality is quite negligible. but If you could traverse a space time separation at the speed of light the effect would be dramatic . At the speed of light it is only distance which is being traversed, and no time is experienced.
But, if it was possible to travel at 75% of the speed of light, a distance of 75% of a light second would be traversed per second, and a timing of 25% of a second per second of time would be experienced.
The closer to the speed of light you get, the less time you experience. I don't recall who said it, but.... [Nothing can happen until something moves.] Wise words indeed ! Motion is the simultaneous traversing of both distance and time. and the reality we experience could not exist if there were no upper speed limit, as faster than light travel would allow an effect to precede a cause.(Maybe there is a link to quantum theory in that principle.) Are we energy ? Ultimately the origin of everything that materially exists is energy. So all that we are physically comprised of has evolved from energy. and there is a simple answer to the question of where the unimaginably vast amount of proto energy from which our universe emerged and continues to emerge actually come from. It may currently be metaphysics but it may possibly be future theory. OOps this post was meant for CryptoCraig. Apologies
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