The Search for another earth - on UCTV now.

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That's channel 9412 dish network. It is a 2006 broadcast from the University of California.<br /><br />Edited inclusion of notes. Please especially note my imbedded questions:<br /><br />All the elements in earth and in our bodies came from stars.<br /><br />15 of mass of universe is heavier elements – concentrated on earth, etc.<br /><br />Sun has one solar mass.<br /><br />Carbon, perhaps nitrogen and oxygen, will be emitted by our sun in red giant phase.<br /><br />Then discusses supernovae.<br /><br />Spitzer telescope, infrared, shows star formation in what is merely a dark cloud in visible light imaging.<br /><br />2013 – James Webb telescope.<br /><br />After birth of star, in many cases there is a disc of ice and dust – new images on this.<br /><br />How common are some discs – how many, in percentage, do not have such discs?<br /><br />These discs are thought to be the source of planets.<br /><br />Do we have photos of planets forming in such discs yet?<br /><br />Three terrestrial planets: mars, earth, venus. Believe life may have started on all three.<br /><br />Do other stars have terrestrial planets.<br /><br />Not sure why large gaseous planets are so close to their parent stars – did they form further out and then spiral its way in? If so, terrestrial planets would have been destroyed in the process.<br /><br />100 giant planets known – only a few are close to Jupiter’s distance from a star.<br /><br />How discovered? Doppler effect of variable speed due to rotation around star. Planet invisible (to us). Can detect speed of a few meters per second.<br /><br />Another method of detection is by transit – a planet in transit with a star – i.e. blocking a small portion of light from a star. Zeroing in on habitable zone where water could exist as a liquid on the surface.<br /><br />What is the fraction of stars that have a world like earth.<br /><br />Why did they oversimplify by simply specifying distance from sun and mass as a world like earth?<br /><br />Failed star 20 times distant fro


You should consider breaking this down to one subject at at ime.<br />
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