The Spitzer Space Telescope's greatest exoplanet discoveries of all time

One of Spitzer's greatest contributions was what it told us about alien worlds.

The Spitzer Space Telescope's greatest exoplanet discoveries of all time : Read more

An interesting summary report on Spitzer findings in exoplanet studies. The report said about Trappist system, "Here at, we've written extensively about the incredible TRAPPIST-1 system, where seven Earth-size planets orbit a single star. Current research suggests that three of the planets may be habitable, because they orbit in an area of the star that has enough heat to allow for liquid water on their surfaces. Spitzer discovered five of the planets after looking at the star for about 500 hours. It further allowed scientists to learn about the size and mass of the planets, which helps scientists determine whether the planets are rocky or gaseous."

Indeed, this is an interesting exoplanet system. I used this site and ran a MS SQL query for host stars <=0.1 solar mass (similar to Trappist system), The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia

44 exoplanets showed up for duty around these very small, red dwarf stars and a very large variety in properties too. The average exoplanet mass is more than 15 Jupiters with the minimum in the Trappist system, 0.33 earth masses. The minimum orbital period is 1.5 days and max, 730,000 days. Finding Earth 2.0 is not easy and showing these exoplanets have life too.


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