The Thirty Meter Telescope: How a volcano in Hawaii became a battleground for astronomy

What could a massive new telescope in Hawaii teach astronomers about the universe — and why are some native Hawaiians fiercely opposed to the project?

The Thirty Meter Telescope: How a volcano in Hawaii became a battleground for astronomy : Read more

It is easy to see who the selfish people are.

And then we have this stinker:

"It was while watching this dance that I was struck by how closely the protocol seemed to parallel the kia'i concerns about the telescope; I've structured this story to follow the protocol as a mark of gratitude for the ceremony leader's work to make that connection."

Which of course remind me of the famous quote:

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."

- Steven Weinberg, Nobel Laureate
Mar 23, 2020
I don't understand why they oppose the advancement of science and astrology. I understand the land is sacred to them, I'm not overlooking that, but the purpose of the TMT benefits not only the natives, but humankind as a whole. I also see the TMT as a successor to the early Hawaiian astronomers who often looked up to the stars for direction.

Astronomers are not bad guys, though this issue is painting them to be, which is entirely ludicrous and a bad example for the keiki-- our future.
Last edited:
Mar 24, 2020
What could a massive new telescope in Hawaii teach astronomers about the universe — and why are some native Hawaiians fiercely opposed to the project?

The Thirty Meter Telescope: How a volcano in Hawaii became a battleground for astronomy : Read more

As a Native Hawaiian pursuing a PhD in physics and astronomy instrumentation, I am absolutely insulted by this article. It is written with shameful amounts of bias and misinformation. Pieces such as this one just adds to the wild fire of fake news and propaganda. The majority of Native Hawaiians and Hawai'i residents support and rejoice in the prospect of TMT being built on Mauna Kea. TMT will be an extension of the brilliant, innovative, and progressive-thinking Hawaiian culture. Please be more considerate and courteous of all those involved in sensitive issues in the future. Report facts, not fiction.

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