The worst SF TV series

I find that SF shows, TV and movies, usually contain interesting ideas which may have/could have an economic implementation today. E.G.: I still have a "Flip Phone" the concept for which is from the original Star Trek TV series. Actually, I don't expect my oldie phone to get me "beamed up" to some exotic place, but one can always hope for upgrades; so I'll keep it for a while.
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Nov 3, 2020
I find that SF shows, TV and movies, usually contain interesting ideas which may have/could have an economic implementation today. E.G.: I still have a "Flip Phone" the concept for which is from the original Star Trek TV series. Actually, I don't expect my oldie phone to get me "beamed up" to some exotic place, but one can always hope for upgrades; so I'll keep it for a while.

I agree. Science fiction is a source of ideas for the advancement of science. There are a lot of little things that have entered our lives and have become familiar.
Nov 13, 2020
I suppose it is a bit unfair to suggest Star Trek as they were made so long ago, and I do remember enjoying them several decades ago.

Cat :)
I have seen Star Trek (the original series) for the first time in adult age and after having read almost all the best SF literature, so my opinion is quite different.
For the age in which the series was produced, and given that it was directed to a teen audience could go, but having seen it in the middle of the eighties, I wasn't particularly impressed.
The movie made in 1979 was quite good, but particularly in the end it resembles something more like 2001:A space Odissey then Star Trek. Another setting would have been better for this plot (but at the price of much less box receipts ).
I have also seen all the episodes of the following series produced, resisting only for a cultural reason because I found all very disappointing,
Last year, reading on a SF site an old interview with Charles Stross, estimated SF writer, I have discovered why.
See his site:
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May 25, 2021
I was more into The Outer Limits which was mostly SciFi orientated. Although I did like Star Trek also. The Twilight Zone was ok, so was the wild Wild West.
May 25, 2021
Does anyone here remember " V" ? The one where aliens that looked human were eating humans? My pick for the worse it only lasted one season. Didn't really care much for lost in space either. It started out ok then it got corny.
May 25, 2021
Could you imagine what someone in the 60s or even the 70s would think if they saw an iPhone? And it had a lot of things
downloaded on it about what we are here in the 21st century. There wasn't any internet back then so it would have to have it
already on it. News reports etc. A simple touch screen would freak them out. The same reaction we would have if some devise
from 60 or more years from now showed up.
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May 25, 2021
And what could some of that be? Holograms you could interact with is but one, no more screens at all. Weapons for sure, they could be many things. I spoke about telepathy, a small device that you could wear that makes that a reality. Transportation,
that's a big one hover cars and trucks. Don't laugh look how far we have already come.
May 25, 2021
And what about us ourselves? A good representation of that is the movie " Lucy ". Maybe not that advanced but close.
Look at some of the suits of armor, they were lucky to be over five feet tall. There is a complete suit like that in our museum
here, from a Conquistador. He was five feet tall, and small by comparison to us today.

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