The youngest exoplanet found by the Hubble telescope is the of Jupiter (and still growing)

PDS 70 b reported mass accretion rate is 1.4 +/-0.2 x 10^-8 MJup yr^-1, Hubble Space Telescope UV and Hα Measurements of the Accretion Excess Emission from the Young Giant Planet PDS 70 b,, 29-April-2021.

My observation. The exoplanet sites show the mass of PDS 70 b is 7 Mjup or perhaps 3 Mjup. The slow growth rate reported in this report would take more than 71 million years to accrete a Jupiter mass exoplanet. The initial growth rate(s) of this exoplanet must be much higher or faster growth to explain, thus the need to fit the observation into the late stage of growth for the exoplanet to reconcile with the very young age of 5 million years old. We do not have radiometric dated meteorites from this system either showing very young radiometric ages near 5 million years old.

This site shows PDS 70 b stats,, 7 Mjup exoplanet. This site shows 3 Mjup, 70 b#planet_PDS-70-b_collapsible

PDS 70 is a multiple exoplanet system, PDS 70 b and c. I did not see anything speaking about life on these exoplanets or abiogenesis at work on them. Perhaps the *miracle* of abiogenesis will create new life forms on these exoplanets too :)