I think that nuclear powered RLVs can be a solution to the problem of high launch costs, but only if they don't release radioactive byproducts into the environment. I'm not some knee-jerk eco-fanatic, but even I think that leaving a radioactive debris trial in the atmosphere is far too high a price to pay for access to space.<br /><br />A Nuclear rocket is a simple design just pump propellant through a reactor to heat it up. Not Hydrogen like some propose because that creates an explosion hazard at the launch site for some time after take off, just plain old water as the propellant here in the atmosphere. In space the propellant can be whatever substance is handy, hydrogen, water, methane, whatever happens to be the easiest to get a hold of for the mission profile.<br /><br />This does have some technical problems that need to be solved, so it isn't a short term solution. It also has some political problems because if you even mention the word "nuclear" it brings the Luddites crawling out of the woodwork.<br /><br />