Time slices of our solar system


Jun 20, 2023
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Let's not guess about the age of the universe, but let's talk about us.
We try to understand only our system.
The age of the Universe is 44386321.2413x10 13sec. (14035.689 billion years) ( We will not consider this.)
Phoenix - so you can call our sun. Because she dies and is reborn again. As the size increases, all the planets are attracted, and when the largest planet falls, the sun explodes giving birth to new planets in its system.
The duration of the full cycle of the Sun from "supernova" to "supernova" - 44341.713x10 13 sec, (14.0176 billion years).
The 1002nd cycle of the Sun is now underway.
Beginning - the age of the Sun of the last (1002) cycle -25632.135x10 13 sec (8.1 billion years ago)
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Jun 20, 2023
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you can enter a conventional unit equal to the duration of the earth's sidereal year of 365.2564 solar days out of 24 hours 03 minutes in seconds to the same degree 1013 - 31623899.112 sec - 0.0000031623899x1013 sec - one conditional sidereal year (1 c.s.g .).
Then: the age of the Universe is 14035.689 billion c.u.g.
solar cycle - 14.0175938 billion c.u.g.
the age of the Sun in the last cycle is 8.1053 billion c.u.
A) 8.1053 billion years ago, for the 1002nd time, an extinct star exploded - the former Sun, with the formation of a "supernova" in the place of the future, current Sun. All matter in the solar system participated in the thermonuclear fusion reaction. The end product of the explosion is the stable metals of the transuranium group (theroids).
B) At the site of the explosion, a spherical aggregate of incandescent matter was formed, in the center of the sphere a young star was burning - the Sun. This picture - a supernova and the sphere surrounding it - is clearly visible in photographs of such stars.
Since the thermonuclear reaction of the star's explosion occurred in the gap between its core and the hardened crust, the substance of the shell of the old Sun was thrown away from the star to a considerable distance, forming a sphere of incandescent matter. The sphere is the matter of the former shell of the star, and it is precisely the matter from which the planets are later formed.
Significant quantities of fresh transuranium metals, just created in a thermonuclear flame, have been added to the solid core of the old Sun. The old sun was renewed and became young again. His life began again - a long reaction of the nuclear decay of the metal of theroids to hydrogen.
C) With the beginning of the decomposition reaction of active metals, an intense flow of electrons arose, which created a high-frequency electromagnetic field, under the influence of which, in the equatorial plane of the solar ball, the unwinding of matter along the heliocentric orbit began. Under the influence of gravitational forces, the reverse movement of matter towards the Sun began. There was a flattening of the spherical aggregate - in the polar regions, matter fell to the surface of the star. This flattening is noted in astronomical photographs of "supernovae" stars. In the equatorial plane, matter remained to revolve around the Sun, having taken an equilibrium position with respect to gravitational, centrifugal and electromagnetic forces.


Jun 20, 2023
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D) With further natural transformation of the material aggregate, a flattened torus was formed from a flattened sphere, located in the plane of rotation of the Sun, and then, under the influence of orbital forces, a flat ring around the Sun was formed from the hot matter of the torus, similar to the rings around the planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, etc. P. The motion of matter was established along heliocentric orbits in the plane of the ring. The distribution of matter in the ring: the maximum is where the place of the future giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). https://postimg.cc/F1SSH9nV
E) In the matter of the circumsolar ring, the formation of spherical clots of hot matter of future planets began and its circulation in orbits around these clots - planets and their satellites were formed. The solar protosystem was formed. Small stars revolved around the Sun - the planets blazed just like the star itself. The surface temperature is about 15.0000K. The diameter of the sphere of matter of the future planet Earth was 6.430 km. Density - 43.0 g/cm3. It was a solid ball of red-hot metallic fusion of theroids. Under the influence of the magnetic field of the Sun, the slow rotation of the planets around their own axis in the direction opposite to their rotation began.
Intense reactions of nuclear decay split the metal of the upper layer theroids, giving rise to light elements, the formation of a liquid metal shell and a shell of the "boiling layer" of the planet's core began, creating the basis of the future crust, hydrogen and oxygen blazed, forming water, a proto-atmosphere began to form and shone around the ball, consisting of carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen and its compounds.