Time travel

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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
There is no reason not to assume something else was outside the universe from the beginning, just as easily as to assume there was not. Supposition requires objective evidence, however, to advance it to a scientific level, of course. That seems impossible for now, though the multiverse ideas are to be relatively respected.

Of course, my flatlander analogy posts do not prove anything, but they give me, at least, a handle on the question "Into whomever else's (observed) universes might we be expanding?".

Cat :)
Jan 2, 2024
Of course, my flatlander analogy posts do not prove anything, but they give me, at least, a handle on the question "Into whomever else's (observed) universes might we be expanding?".
Ah, you have exposed your thoughts here (at last), :) Yes, a possibility indeed. It might require an additional dimension (5). There is a contender: Imaginary Time.

Imaginary time is used in calculations to solve some QM issues (beyond me at present!). It is used as an additional spatial dimension as an extra time process. We might extend your flatlander thought experiments to 5 dimensions and 'push' our whole past and future history sideways at 90 degrees BUT also take on board your suggestion of an 'outside environment' of 5 dimensions.

I like the idea you have put forward which may, I suppose, contain other 4D 'universes' or even maybe a 5D universe. We cannot close the loop. I think 'universes' are tools that dissipate into nothing but produce a deeper reality.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Gibsense, thank you

Of course, my flatlander analogy posts do not prove anything, but they give me, at least, a handle on the question "Into whomever else's (observed) universes might we be expanding?".

but I believe that observation goes back a very long time, in the form of a D+ observer being required to understand "expansion into what?".

, you have exposed your thoughts here (at last)

See, for example (from 2020):

Cat :)
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Mar 8, 2022
Time is the presumed continuity/linkage from some presumed past instant(s) [state of things] [memory impressions] and this present instant, state of things.

Generally when we talk about 'time travel' we mean something other than the above presumption.

That there is a bank of stored instants somewhere and that we might discontinuously jump over some span of that sequence.


Apr 7, 2024
That there are no visitors from a future is an assertion that may be wrong. I suggest a future rather than the future
I do not wish to upset anyone by crossing red lines here but the "Elephant in the Room" becomes a "Blue Whale" when you mention UAPs.
not wrong thinking or right thinking.
truth is nobody knows anything for sure but that's what forums like this are for, so allegedly intelligent lifeforms "and i speak of myself when i say allegedly " can come together and help educate and answer each others queries as best we can.

every day is a school day!!!

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