I badly wanted to put this thinking elsewhere, but since what it involved:
Dismissing a black hole, what would be the greatest, most super, superconducting state in the universe. To me, certainly not absolute zero of cold, so to speak, since I see it to be, and have it being, one heck of an explosive state (the point of the absolute of hot freezing cold absolutely still, hell freezing over, the max state of complexity breaking down with a vengeance).
I was reading along -- it's taking forever since I'm doing a lot of thinking as I read Sean Carroll -- in 'Something Deeply Hidden', and he's describing, discussing, low energy and high energy states. I'm not finished with it but I'm thinking as I'm reading that no such high energy state will ever, or can ever, be a superconducting state, much less the greatest, most super, superconducting state. It has to be a low energy state and I don't mean a negative energy state which is simply negative energy state; not zero! I mean a low energy state, all the way to some point somewhere just short of an absolute zero of energy. I ask myself, am I looking at yet another way to a tunnel effect, not necessarily a wormhole, probably not a wormhole, state in the universe? Shorter range than a wormhole since a wormhole has virtually no limit in range, but still fast -- blazing fast so to speak, for whatever the range it extends to -- as fast can get,
The point, though, is that it must be a low energy state to be such a superconductor rather than a high energy state.
And the closer I get to the absolute zero state of energy (the closer I get to the absolute zero state of cold) the more I start thinking about the hottest hell reaching absolute freeze point, freezing absolutely still, and instantaneously with it (with absolute zero), a bang . . . a Big Bang. Of course, that particular point will never be any one-time thing but a constant of eternal bang at absolute zero point . . . entropy in the universe, just for one physic, always making sure it is a constant on the horizon, the dimension of collapsing, collapsed, horizon ("complexity breaking down with a vengeance").