Question Traveling at a Speed of Light and Ageing


Jul 13, 2022
If in near future we are able to travel at speeds of light, can a frequent traveler (Astra-naut) between the Star systems (say our Sun and any nearest Star) stay relatively younger compared to people on Earth (or life on other Star Systems)?

Will such frequent travels be another way of staying young (relatively) for a much longer period?

Also, any such travel will give almost a God like power (again relatively) to the traveler as he/she will always have access to the latest technologies of both the worlds between each of such travels!!!
Jan 29, 2020
I think real cryonics is a radiation source along our nerves intermittently firing X-rays into a microwire, that heats along a nerve and triggers an impulse of a +10C CNS. This requires risky medical imaging. Alot of new radiation made. And a nanocoating of nerves just to begin cryonics. On Earth is tricky but open plains okay. It is better in space as biorisks are limited to one volume and radiation limited to one workforce.
I'm guessing to stay younger, you need to stop to do research every so often. And you have to be multi-disciplinary. Jupiter is the beginning of star radiation physics. Ice moon mines can make ships, and medical equipment, but I'd guess beyond the heliopause for all sorts of rare research. For medical imaging nanoparticles, I'm needing a human body AI minus the lungs, and intestine. That is just to recycle iron and other stuff. Whereever you want to not age (moving to Japan would delay it as much as 0.5c time dialation), better body modelling able to treat cancer and heart disease and neuro-diseases is needed. I'd trade cool deep space stuff for the cryonics R+D beyond a Callisto mine.
Jan 29, 2020
...NASA would likely make anti-cancer X-Men on a Jupiter mission. I assume .25c necessitates stopping every few months to rest your brain. 0.5 I wouldn't go 20 days without rest, not without engineering brain implants. A tethered Station with gravity is useful for rest beyond Jupiter. I assume a lab at an ice moon. If you go near c, the fast moving processes in your body slow down vis-a-vis the parts not undergoing special relativity time dilation. Nano surgery looks doable, maybe space is an enabler.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Better still, just transplant s suitably protected brain into a mechanical (robotic) body, and do without all this medical stuff. Bodies are an unnecessary encumbrance in any age of interstellar travel.

Cat :)
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Jul 13, 2022
IF travelling near speed of light can actually help prevent ageing then Humanity will better survive as humans this way rather than becoming X-Men, Cyborgs, Metaverse Avatars with AI or any other alternatives still not researched.

The question in the initial thread was about the possibilities around what is today a science fiction and later if it becomes feasible then how this will playout for humanity.
May 12, 2022
If in near future we are able to travel at speeds of light, can a frequent traveler (Astra-naut) between the Star systems (say our Sun and any nearest Star) stay relatively younger compared to people on Earth (or life on other Star Systems)?

Will such frequent travels be another way of staying young (relatively) for a much longer period?

Also, any such travel will give almost a God like power (again relatively) to the traveler as he/she will always have access to the latest technologies of both the worlds between each of such travels!!!

According to Einstein you cannot travel at or faster than the speed of light. Einstein also said that all frames are equal and the effect is therefore reciprocal. This means that the traveler can "look back" at where he started from (assume the Earth), and note that time is flowing more slowly on Earth.
This cosmic speed limit all depends what you make the v in the equation relative to. The v should refer to F1 and F2, where F1 is the "rest frame" and F2 is the travelling frame. In this case, it is the Earth and the traveler. In Einstein's light clock thought experiment, it is the observer in F1 looking at the clock in F2, so this is unambiguous.
In the case of GPS, of which it is said that it would not work without the relativistic corrections, it should be between the GPS receiver (F1) and the GPS satellite (F2), nothing will alter even when the receiver is moving - as it usually will be. The v in the GPS calculations refers to the satellites' (four are generally in use for a 3D fix) orbital speed, which being an orbital speed, has no relevance to the speed or velocity between receiver and satellite. Why therefore is the orbital speed used?
Will such frequent travels be another way of staying young (relatively) for a much longer period?
Relativity demonstrates that we all age at the same rate when we look at our own clocks. At great speeds, close to c, this still remains true, but the traveler will return to an Earth that has aged at a faster rate than he or she. Earthers will have aged more but they would have experienced more life accordingly.

Such great speeds, however, would allow the travelers to reach their destinations very quickly, but the energy required is incredibly large.

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