How long after establishing reasonably populated but different national communities will we start arguing with each other and politics poisens the atmosphere?
Of course, I'm not suggesting that. I was only providing one example. One I have a fervent wish we do not repeat.In post #3 is Wolfshadw suggesting that prior to Christopher Columbus and ships coming to the "New World", the earth had peace and joy, and warfare among nations arose only since Columbus visit to the "New World"?
Because it is the one example I am most familiar with. I'm not exactly a student of world history.Okay Wolfshadw in post #5. Why is your example so fervent? For example what makes your example more *fervent* that should not be repeated compared to Pharaoh Tutmoses III invasions into Canaan and conquest and warfare documented when taking over Canaan in the ancient world?
Should unpaid debts to the Earth investors and equipment suppliers be allowed to be written off as part of this bid for self rule? Sure, all the fictional stories of space colonies in revolt start with being cruelly treated by a distant, uncaring Earth Tyranny, making it a noble struggle for Liberty and Justice... but I doubt that will be the case. Watching profits go to distant financiers, who are oddly reluctant to allow those debts and obligations to go unpaid, may be very frustrating but I don't think America would have been a failed state or their European settler populations oppressed had that Revolution not occur. Canada did alright after all.It is my hope that if/when the Mars colonies have grown large enough to govern themselves, those on Earth allow them to without all the fuss.
Robber Barons and Oligarchs are risk takers now? You could write for the Wall Street Journal. You also assume that the "scientific authority" is actually independent of political and economic domination.the current risk-takers fit that profile where scientific authority is ignored.
Revolutionaries are traitors? Traitors to whom? How long have you identified yourself with tyrants .the reality that Revolutionaries were the traitors