I watched a documentary on the history channel that related to the Sol system's formation. The show went rhough various scenario's regarding how each planet's core, especially Earth's, may have formed. Saturn caught my attention when the host's discussed the fact that Saturn did not have a active core of energetic properties like the solid planets did but was composed of a core of pure gravity. Since Saturn is a gas giant any form of energetic activity like that of the Earth or Sun's core would cause the gas to ignite into a ball of superheated gas. The question I have is what could the possible outcome's be if a device was dropped into the center of Saturn's core that released an energetic amount of energy that ignited the gas giant?
Would the result be an explosion that would send the rings of Saturn hurtling towards Jupiter?
Would the result be that the gas giant would become another sun in the Sol system that would vaporize the
rocks and ice roids in it's rings and possibly ingite the fuse that would start life on the planet's that surround it?
Would the result be an explosion that would send the rings of Saturn hurtling towards Jupiter?
Would the result be that the gas giant would become another sun in the Sol system that would vaporize the
rocks and ice roids in it's rings and possibly ingite the fuse that would start life on the planet's that surround it?