Unidentified anomalous phenomena: Hot spots and the quest for data

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Sep 15, 2021
Mar 31, 2020
True. Space.com continues to be in the stone age. First and foremost those that believe we are not alone do not share facts on a level playing field. Only writers who believe 'we are alone ' in the universe, write articles on NASA websites and Space.com. What are they afraid of? Let's not speculate . They have their reasons.

The military will continue to lie, cover up and misdirect the public concerning evidence of UAP's. The UFO congressional hearing dated July the 26th, had three whistleblowers revealing the truth concerning UAP's. Hundreds of credible witnesses before them have testified. The good news is that bipartisan members of congress are investigating. We can look forward to more testimony where the truth is finally being revealed.

The Galileo Project looks very promising. All evidence of intelligent lifeforms observing our world is a worthy endeavor.
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So, I looked up Lubbock Lights and read about them at Histrory.com. The article starts off with a story about a highly credible group of scientists seeing a formation of lights at 9:20 pm on August 25, 1951. It then goes into many more sightings of the same and similar sightings, and describes how they sometimes repeat and always go from north to south. But, it doesn't contain the times of the other sightings. I would expect an analysis of the timing of the sightings would be a critical element of a real scientific analysis, but that was not mentioned.

My first impression is not an alien armada, but rather some sort of orbiting phenomenon. Perhaps a broken apart natural object entering the Earth's atmosphere in batches and burning up, over an extended period. Sounds strange, but does seem to fit the general gist of the sightings.

It seems too early in our history to have been a human-made object placed into orbit, especially a polar orbit.
From Wiki article on Lubbock lights.
"Clark wrote that the professors observed one formation of lights flying above a thin cloud at about 2,000 feet (610 m) which he says allowed them to calculate that the lights were traveling at over 600 miles per hour (970 km/h)". - Clark, pp. 343–344

This is not computing. "Thin cloud at 2,000 feet" is very unusual. Thin stratus at extremely low altitude. Not over water. Having trouble with the cloud type and possible conditions. Not making sense.

How did they know the cloud elevation? What significance could that possibly have to a speed calculation?

I'm dubious on this one.
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The History.com link said that the attempts to estimate height were not successful.

It is really hard to estimate the height of anything suspended in the air unless you know its physical dimensions, even when the atmosphere is not playing refractive or reflective tricks on the observer.
You are correct, at 2000 feet, size is our only clue. Binocular vision is good to only about 800 feet away.

I think I have a good explanation. At 9 PM the air is cooling off. There may have been a low fog bank forming in a layer of moist air at"2000 feet". Halos can form around point sources at a distance when viewed through such a thin cloud made of very regular water droplets. Could have been airplane landing lights or maybe magnesium flares.
Sep 15, 2021
All right, so discard that case that the Space.com crowd dislikes. It's unnecessary. There are many other credible witnesses. What about the astronauts? I'll have to go over my many old books on the ETs and mention a few more cases, titles and authors. Back in the 70s I took a free course given by CostaRican contactee Enrique Castillo Rincón, who died a few yrs. ago. He was a communications engineer. I'm a wounded veteran of the war against what they call "debunkers". You all keep asking: if they're here, why do they hide? They don't. The good ones associate directly only with their moral peers, the evil ones --it's a galaxy at war-- ditto (with those who own and control everything and resort to murder in order to hold on to power). The former respect our free will and will never get involved and solve all our problems (they approach us on a personal basis, mostly), and besides, they also respect our intimacy (privacy). For most of us the presence of mind readers would be scary and embarrassing. This is not the place for discussing these matters, but they asked for it. I suggest they forbid all discussions on the ETs before it gets out of hand. It might be best for me to cease and desist. It's not for me to go around waving flags and stepping on sensitive toes.


Apr 3, 2020
And yet there hasn't been the first, verifiable shred of evidence provided by any source. Hearsay is definitely not factual and eyewitness testimony has been proven to be faulty, in even less controversial topics.

Congressional interest is for the cameras, not the facts. People watch way too much TV and consume WAY too much social media (which feeds on itself).

Folks are entitled to believe what they believe. Until someone gives us something solid, to consume/consider (and measure, analyze, etc), you won't change the minds of skeptics.
If the Lubbock Lights incident was not the strongest arrow in the quiver, it would not have been mentioned first. Whatever the next up is, it will be weaker.
But all of that is irrelevant. No human produced testimony, chain of logic, image, whatever can stand alone as proof. It must be accompanied by a repetition at will by an independent observer. No UFO report has ever met that standard. Every single scientific advance has.
Sep 15, 2021
The astronauts include "Buzz" Aldrin (Apollo 11, 1969, first manned moon landing, in the same year I graduated from high school and the year of the muddy Woodstock Festival in New York State), who appears in the movie, freely available at the YouTube website, based on the book Unacknowledged -- An Exposé of the World's Greatest Secret (2017) by Steven M. Greer, M.D., which includes some of the testimonies of "hundreds of military personnel, scientists and civilians who had top-secret access to Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (UDAPs)".

Astronomer J. Allen Hynek's The U.F.O. Experience, A Scientific Inquiry (1972) was written after he realized he was being tricked and used as a "debunker" by Project Blue Book. It was he who had invented the laughable marsh-gas explanation.

U.S. Air Force Major Donald E. Keyhoe's Aliens From Space (1973) is another classic of the genre.

The Coral and Jim Lorenzen books (the 60s) describe very many cases. Among the most impressive is the one in which Reverend Father W.B. Gill of the Boiani Anglican Mission in New Guinea in 1959 saw a spacecraft floating offshore and its occupants doing something on it, maybe repairing it. He waved at them and they waved back but showed no interest in approaching him. They were just trying to be polite, which is not a universal behavior, as the nasty examples show. It's not just us, but that doesn't justify our savage cruelty.

In modern times it all started with the foo fighters in the last months of World War II, when no one knew what was going on, but now, nearly 80 yrs. later, almost everybody knows, but not the fools who keep ...
1) ... saying that only "silly" fools could believe that the Visitors are everywhere around us and have always been here,
2) ... repeating "ad infinitum" the naïve story about the Fermi Paradox, and
3) ... thinking that interstellar travel, let alone intergalactic travel, is impossible even with spacecraft that move at the speed of EM radiation (such as light, radio waves, gamma rays), except on trips involving several generations, so that a first generation dies during the trip and only a second or third generation arrives at the nearest star and will never be able to return.

(A trip to Proxima Centauri would take only 4.3 yrs. at that speed but a message would spend the same amount of time to arrive, so that dialogues with those at our nearest star would take decades, an outrageous affair.)

History shows that one had better not assume anything about the future based on present technology. Lord Kelvin is just one of the several famous scientists who made this mistake. I won't spare anyone the effort it takes to find out exactly what it was that he said that eventually made him look like ... just another dolt.

... and remember, we're an entire galaxy at war with itself, as in the "Star Wars" series, and it could be in your lot to run across the bad guys while rolling along a lonely road and get pregnant, as Mr. E. Castillo R. warned and even the NASA, incredibly, is now hinting. They mention "unexplained pregnancies" but refuse to give any details, which is criminally irresponsible of them. They, too, are terrified, since our nuclear weapons are entirely useless before the interlopers.

Some people say that the good guys have now placed the planet in quarantine in order to protect us, but I doubt it. Our inferior type of humankind, which enjoys the idea of enslaving and raping, surely deserves to be dragged into slavery, and it's one of several possible futures. ACHTUNG!!!
Sep 15, 2021
You spent about 20 minutes flat reading all that "recycled material". This is fantastic. Please tell us how you do it.
You spent about 20 minutes flat reading all that "recycled material". This is fantastic. Please tell us how you do it.
No need to waste any time reading any of it. No amount of sincerely believed testimony from the most credible witness has any value in terms of proving the ET origin of anything. A million times nothing is still nothing. Give us a piece of one. Absent that, you are wasting your time.
Sep 15, 2021
Give us a piece of one. Absent that, you are wasting your time.
It was given to you and you decided to throw it away. In that case they saw lights in an identical formation going by more than once. It couldn't've been any natural phenomenon. Also, you seem to believe that certain astronauts develop dementia while in outer space and become delirious, which is possible, I guess.
Sep 15, 2021
I'm going home now because the battery of the tablet is down to 11 % and I won't be able to keep arguing today. Tomorrow maybe. Sweet dreams.


Apr 3, 2020
I'm going home now because the battery of the tablet is down to 11 % and I won't be able to keep arguing today. Tomorrow maybe. Sweet dreams.
There is no argument. Factually, there has been zero concrete, verifiable evidence provided. Zero.

Lots of assumptions and circumstantial evidence, and more than a little speculation and sci-fi/fantasy.

While I have no doubt people have seen things that couldn't be explained at the time, none of that proves we are being visited by anyone other than us.
I am absolutely convinced that credible people have seen lights moving around the sky. Airplanes have lights on them, can go 600 mph. At any given moment there are 30,000 aircraft in the sky worldwide. People see lots of lights.

Astronauts live in capsules that must vent unneeded gases and vapors to space. The exhaust ports build up ice which breaks off and floats away. Every astronaut has seen them. In addition there are thousands of other objects in orbit.

How one can transform that into proof of ET is where I get lost.

If ET visitation is common then it would be reasonable to have bits and pieces laying about. Fingernail clippings, a matchbook, hotel towel, something. Something we can have a close look at.

So far all I have heard is: "I do not understand these lights therefore they must be ET."
Mar 31, 2020
Hundreds of credible witnesses are clueless, as to what they see with their own two eyes. The military are not lying as David Grusch testifies to in a congressional hearing. The other two credible witnesses are also clueless, they must have seen pretty lights. Humans are truly the center of the universe and our science is the only advanced form of science that can only exist. No other being could possibly be more advanced than we are. Our science is the only true science.

That is some tale your spinning. True fantasy. I have some swamp land in Florida for sale. Interested?
Mar 31, 2020
There is absolutely no doubt that intelligent lifeforms are observing earth. You only need one credible witness in a court of law to prove your case. There are thousands of credible witnesses. This species is obviously more advanced than we are and do not wish to be discovered. You can demand evidence all you want, but they will not give it to you. They are being seen when they wish to be seen, the main target is obviously military entities throughout the world. Our science is primitive in comparison.

The military have their own agenda to selfishly profit from the very evidence you would like to see. Good luck . The military lie, misdirect and cover up at every turn. They talk about little green men and laugh about what is in truth, reality. They want this advanced technology for themselves and do not want any involvement from anyone else.

There are those who will always be skeptical of a more intelligent species and sadly those who try to profit from the sensationalism of the story. They all help these intelligent lifeforms to stay hidden. The sad part is every single observation is important. They may be trying to send humankind an important message. SETI should be made aware of every single sighting trying to decipher any clue to a possible message.

We are our own worst enemy. Tribal warfare is our greatest threat. One day hopefully in the future we will all work together. Truly, we are one race, the human race.
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