Answer: Space is not expanding and never has. It’s an illusion. Reasoned by a misconception of light.
Logic alone, tells you such a measurement is an illusion. Simply because we are moving. The simple fact is that if we are moving, the measured expansion from our location has to be an illusion. The universe does not follow our system.
But the measurement does.
So the measurement alone, no matter the underlining dynamic, tells us this is a measurement illusion. If not, then a concept illusion.
And we spend decades trying to explain this with theoretical math. It’s a large industry now.
Trying to explain something that isn’t there.
Some think we can detect our motion against the background, and we can. But that is slight and present motion, I am referring to eons of motion. We would detect and measure that motion if it were true motion.
But the measured motion has always followed us and left no trace.
It’s an illusion.
Omni direction alone, tells you it’s an illusion.
No information about how this universe came to be, can be determined. No present data and no record exists.
Light is a flux of intermittent field derivatives, that no one understands. And only half of it….. shifts.
And the farther away it is, the more it shifts. Light has a distance shift too.
Why does the “whole shift” lean red? Because the force of G is decaying. And cosmic matter is spreading. At a SLOW rate. And will always continue to decay. It’s a one way trip.
We will remain in this darkness until we study light. For we have never measured it. We only collect it. And steer it. We have never sliced it. Cut it up and taste it. Never looked at the innards.
And still believe in it’s magical powers. Without testing it. The magic of a flux. An illusion of a flux.
An illusion confirmed with math. But never confirmed with time and distance.
The only science….. math. Silly science. Try and use it. It won’t work unless it fits time and distance, not math.
Time and distance is the only true science. And all who study it, deny it.
Just a personal observation.