COLGeek, sorry to hear you were on the receiving end of a bullet transfer trajectory.
As you probably experienced, along with Dimorphos, the effects are related more to the energy transfer than just the momentum transfer. Which makes sense, considering that the shooter always absorbs more momentum effect than the target, due to the gas momentum being dissipated before it gets to the target. That is why an elephant hunter can kill an elephant without getting killed too by the "equal but opposite momentum effects" of recoil.
Regarding the discussion here heading towards the "cowboys in space" motif, I think that is totally unrealistic. Humans in space need controlled pressure/temperature environments, either in space stations or pressure suits. A bullet puncturing the pressure barrier is likely to be fatal to humans - no such thing as "just a flesh wound" for a human whose life depends on the integrity of a space suit. And, holes in a space station would be similarly fatal.
So, it we ever do have projectile-firing combatants in space, I assume they will be robots. Those would be much harder to "kill".